
An Exxon Mobil refinery in Baytown, Texas

What Does Big Oil Really Think About Climate Science? What Does Big Oil Really Think About Climate Science?

Exxon Mobil has used climate science to prepare for its future while simultaneously discrediting it.

Feb 18, 2016 / Bill McKibben

How the Super-Rich Can Kickstart the Green Economy

How the Super-Rich Can Kickstart the Green Economy How the Super-Rich Can Kickstart the Green Economy

A surcharge on luxury consumption would curb emissions and help communities make the jump to clean energy.

Feb 18, 2016 / Feature / Sarah Anderson, Marc Bayard, John Cavanagh, Chuck Collins, Josh Hoxie, and Sam Pizzigati

Race Best Predicts Whether You Live Near Pollution

Race Best Predicts Whether You Live Near Pollution Race Best Predicts Whether You Live Near Pollution

Environmental racism extends far beyond Flint.

Feb 18, 2016 / Bryce Covert

Flint Is the Predicted Outcome of Michigan’s Long, Dangerous History With ‘Emergency Managers’

Flint Is the Predicted Outcome of Michigan’s Long, Dangerous History With ‘Emergency Managers’ Flint Is the Predicted Outcome of Michigan’s Long, Dangerous History With ‘Emergency Managers’

For years, I have joined voters, other elected officials, and even courts in warning that the right-wing takeover of local government would end this way.

Feb 17, 2016 / Feature / Rep. John Conyers

Where to Invade Next

Michael Moore’s New Film Playfully Skewers US Exceptionalism Michael Moore’s New Film Playfully Skewers US Exceptionalism

A powerful, optimistic, and radical demonstration of what can be achieved by thinking outside the box—or, in this case, our borders.

Feb 16, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Colstrip coal plant

The Supreme Court Just Blocked Obama’s Climate Regulations. Are We Screwed? The Supreme Court Just Blocked Obama’s Climate Regulations. Are We Screwed?

It depends on who the next president is.

Feb 10, 2016 / Zoë Carpenter

Chinese Ikea Worker

The Toxic Work Environments That Produce Your Pots and Pans The Toxic Work Environments That Produce Your Pots and Pans

Multinational corporations are once again profiting off of China’s dismal labor conditions.

Feb 10, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Flint Isn’t the Only Place With Racism in the Water

Flint Isn’t the Only Place With Racism in the Water Flint Isn’t the Only Place With Racism in the Water

Environmental racism is an issue of political power: Polluters and waste sites are placed where politicians expect little or no political backlash.  

Feb 9, 2016 / Tracey Ross and Danyelle Solomon

How Many Flints Are There?

How Many Flints Are There? How Many Flints Are There?

In a country where 500,000 children have substantial amounts of lead in their bodies, Flint is no anomaly.

Feb 9, 2016 / David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz

Everyone Knows the US Military Is Failing—So Why Won’t Washington Bring the Troops Home?

Everyone Knows the US Military Is Failing—So Why Won’t Washington Bring the Troops Home? Everyone Knows the US Military Is Failing—So Why Won’t Washington Bring the Troops Home?

It’s time to challenge politicians’ claims about the military’s effectiveness in the 21st century.

Feb 8, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt
