The Coal Industry Is Imploding. Why Is it Still So Powerful in Washington? The Coal Industry Is Imploding. Why Is it Still So Powerful in Washington?
As its battle against the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan intensifies, Big Coal is getting a lot of help from friends in high places.
Mar 25, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter
The Gospel According to Wendell Berry The Gospel According to Wendell Berry
To destroy a forest is an act of greater seriousness than we have yet grasped. But to destroy the earth itself is to destroy the possibility of recovery.
Mar 23, 2015 / Feature / Wendell Berry and Wen Stephenson
Magna Carta Messed Up the World, Here’s How to Fix It Magna Carta Messed Up the World, Here’s How to Fix It
The “logic” of capitalist development has left a nightmare of environmental destruction in its wake.
Mar 23, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Noam Chomsky
The Most Important Thing We Can Do to Fight Climate Change Is Try The Most Important Thing We Can Do to Fight Climate Change Is Try
The future will follow an unpredictable route, but we must still follow a compass called hope.
Mar 23, 2015 / Feature / Rebecca Solnit
Did the Chemical Industry Write Its Own Oversight Legislation? Did the Chemical Industry Write Its Own Oversight Legislation?
Some Democrats and health groups say this Senate bill is even worse than the outdated Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.
Mar 19, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter
Black Comedy in the Maldives Black Comedy in the Maldives
Why was former president and climate-justice hero Mohamed Nasheed sentenced to prison on terrorism charges?
Mar 16, 2015 / Mark Hertsgaard
The Most Beautiful Animal You’ve Never Seen The Most Beautiful Animal You’ve Never Seen
How the $20 billion illegal animal trade has pushed the saola—and countless other species—to the brink of extinction.
Mar 16, 2015 / William deBuys
The Real Reason Behind the Oil Price Collapse The Real Reason Behind the Oil Price Collapse
It’s not overproduction in shale fields, and it’s not global economic stagnation. It’s something far more threatening to Big Oil’s business model.
Mar 12, 2015 / Michael T. Klare
Conservatives Have a Plan for Climate Change: Pretend It Doesn’t Exist Conservatives Have a Plan for Climate Change: Pretend It Doesn’t Exist
Florida officials have reportedly been banned from using the terms "climate change" and "global warming."
Mar 9, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter
Royal Dutch Shell Wants to Look for Oil in the Most Dangerous Drilling Environment in the World Royal Dutch Shell Wants to Look for Oil in the Most Dangerous Drilling Environment in the World
An ice-choked ocean, tens of thousands of whales, no proven technology in case of emergency and a mission for oil: what could possibly go wrong?
Mar 3, 2015 / Subhankar Banerjee