
Is Fracking About to Arrive on Your Doorstep?

Is Fracking About to Arrive on Your Doorstep? Is Fracking About to Arrive on Your Doorstep?

The millions of miles of distribution and service pipelines crisscrossing the nation mean that countless Americans—even those living far from gas fields—find themselves...

Jan 30, 2014 / Ellen Cantarow

Harvard and Brown Fail on Climate

Harvard and Brown Fail on Climate Harvard and Brown Fail on Climate

Why university presidents Drew Gilpin Faust and Christina Paxson were wrong to reject calls to divest from fossil fuel companies.

Jan 29, 2014 / Feature / James Lawrence Powell

State of the Union Challenge: Inequality Cannot Be Addressed by “NAFTA on Steroids”

State of the Union Challenge: Inequality Cannot Be Addressed by “NAFTA on Steroids” State of the Union Challenge: Inequality Cannot Be Addressed by “NAFTA on Steroids”

The president is getting a lot right. But he cannot afford to muddle his message tonight.

Jan 28, 2014 / John Nichols

States of Emergency

States of Emergency States of Emergency

What would have happened if the West Virginia chemical spill was caused by terrorists. 

Jan 28, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow

How the Coal Industry Impoverishes West Virginia

How the Coal Industry Impoverishes West Virginia How the Coal Industry Impoverishes West Virginia

The recent chemical spill is the latest chapter in a very old story: total capitulation to industry by state officials. 

Jan 24, 2014 / Omar Ghabra

The Hidden Environmental and Human Costs of the Sochi Olympics

The Hidden Environmental and Human Costs of the Sochi Olympics The Hidden Environmental and Human Costs of the Sochi Olympics

Illegal waste dumps, displacement of residents, harsh retribution against local activists: Sochi has it all.

Jan 22, 2014 / Feature / Alec Luhn

Our National Drought of Climate Change Coverage

Our National Drought of Climate Change Coverage Our National Drought of Climate Change Coverage

Eric with the latest reviews and Reed on the mistaken notion that our establishment media covers the environment in a serious way.

Jan 21, 2014 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

CDC: Pregnant Women in West Virginia Should Not Drink Contaminated Tap Water

CDC: Pregnant Women in West Virginia Should Not Drink Contaminated Tap Water CDC: Pregnant Women in West Virginia Should Not Drink Contaminated Tap Water

Meanwhile, officials have cleared two-thirds of affected residents' water as safe to drink.

Jan 16, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

West Virginia ERs Report an Influx of Patients After Water Deemed Safe

West Virginia ERs Report an Influx of Patients After Water Deemed Safe West Virginia ERs Report an Influx of Patients After Water Deemed Safe

Scores of West Virginians are reporting symptoms related to exposure to chemical-tainted water.

Jan 15, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

The Global Fight Against Corporate Rule

The Global Fight Against Corporate Rule The Global Fight Against Corporate Rule

Activists are challenging rules that grant corporations the right to sue governments.

Jan 15, 2014 / Feature / Robin Broad and John Cavanagh
