Member of Congressional Science Committee: Global Warming a ‘Fraud’ to ‘Create Global Government’ Member of Congressional Science Committee: Global Warming a ‘Fraud’ to ‘Create Global Government’
Representative Dana Rohrabacher says global warming is a “fraud” to “create global government.”
Aug 10, 2013 / Lee Fang

Warning: This Gasoline Is Hazardous to Your Planet Warning: This Gasoline Is Hazardous to Your Planet
A new campaign wants to warn you about the perils of climate change by putting labels on gas pumps.
Aug 9, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

Frigid and Sweltering: The New Climate Normal Frigid and Sweltering: The New Climate Normal
A new report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says weather around the world is becoming more extreme.
Aug 8, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

The Third Carbon Age The Third Carbon Age
Don’t for a second imagine we’re heading for an era of renewable energy.
Aug 8, 2013 / Michael T. Klare

Unions and Environmentalists: A Match Made with Difficulty Unions and Environmentalists: A Match Made with Difficulty
How labor and environmentalists in California are finding common cause.
Aug 7, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

Thousands Protest Chevron Oil Refinery in Richmond, California Thousands Protest Chevron Oil Refinery in Richmond, California
This weekend, more than 200 people got arrested in a California city known for its heavy-handed oil-industry politics.
Aug 5, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

Democratic Voters Say They Want a Revolution on Climate Policy Democratic Voters Say They Want a Revolution on Climate Policy
Do Democrats’ words matter, even if their climate policies are gutless? It depends on what the public says next.
Aug 1, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

The Naïveté We Need: Notes on a Climate Action The Naïveté We Need: Notes on a Climate Action
At Sunday’s march on the Brayton Point coal plant in Massachusetts, I was reminded of what it takes for a movement to win.
Jul 30, 2013 / Wen Stephenson

Fossil Fuel Divestment Is About More Than Reducing Emissions Fossil Fuel Divestment Is About More Than Reducing Emissions
A student architect of the movement to divest from fossil fuel companies assesses the growing campaign's strengths and weaknesses.
Jul 30, 2013 / StudentNation / Ali Roseberry-Polier and StudentNation

Goodbye to All That (Water) Goodbye to All That (Water)
Field notes from a drying west.
Jul 30, 2013 / William deBuys