
A Hole in the World

A Hole in the World A Hole in the World

The BP disaster reveals the risks in imagining that we have complete command over nature.

Jun 24, 2010 / Feature / Naomi Klein



(Sung by Representative Joe Barton, to the tune of "Blue Moon")   BP, you've been so badly defamed— By shakedown artists so robbed, by petty bureaucrats blamed. BP, I'm sorry they've been so strict on These damages. You've been picked on, Without a case to convict on. But pay no mind to all these overreactions, For memories of this one more spill Will fade, like all your other infractions, And once again we'll shout, "Drill, baby, drill!" BP, you've been so badly defamed, The public's been so inflamed. BP, I'm truly ashamed.

Jun 24, 2010 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Reconsidering Deep-Sea Oil Drilling Reconsidering Deep-Sea Oil Drilling

America isn't the only country reassessing their deep-sea oil drilling. The Nation's Michael Klare speaks to Jeb Sharp of PRI's The World about the globe's major oil reserves and w...

Jun 24, 2010 / The World

The Coming Era of Energy Disasters The Coming Era of Energy Disasters

In our extreme energy era, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico isn't a one-shot disaster but an arrow pointing to a nightmarish future.

Jun 24, 2010 / Michael T. Klare

A Disaster That Could Change Everything A Disaster That Could Change Everything

Will the BP spill prove to be Judgment Day for the decades of growing corporate rule over government?

Jun 24, 2010 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

What a Spare $1 Million Can Buy What a Spare $1 Million Can Buy

BP's CEO "got his life back" by going yachting, and the rest of the world's millionaires are doing OK, too. But one Gulf fisherman would rather have something e...

Jun 22, 2010 / Laura Flanders

How to Help in the Gulf How to Help in the Gulf

A guide to volunteering and to taking political action to make another spill less likely.

Jun 21, 2010 / Peter Rothberg

Is Holding BP to Account a ‘Shakedown’? Yes, Says Key GOP Group Is Holding BP to Account a ‘Shakedown’? Yes, Says Key GOP Group

Texas Congressman Barton speaks from the heart about his sympathy for BP then thinks better of it. Unfortunately, his fellow conservatives didn't get the cease-and-desist orde...

Jun 18, 2010 / John Nichols

This Week at TheNation.com This Week at TheNation.com

The successful launch of The Nation on GRIT TV. Plus, Glenn Beck and the World Cup, moving to a clean economy and the Republican Party's "Year of the Woman."

Jun 18, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Gasland: A Filmmaker’s Journey Through the Horrors of Natural Gas Drilling Gasland: A Filmmaker’s Journey Through the Horrors of Natural Gas Drilling

A gripping new film documents the long-overlooked dangers of a new and unregulated natural gas drilling technology known as “fracking,” or hydraulic fracturing.

Jun 18, 2010 / HBO
