
Going Down the Road Going Down the Road

The Water Profiteers

Aug 15, 2002 / Jim Hightower

Fight-Back in Bolivia Fight-Back in Bolivia

In 1998 the World Bank notified the Bolivian government that it would refuse to guarantee a $25 million loan to refinance water services in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba unless ...

Aug 15, 2002 / Feature / Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke

Water Apartheid Water Apartheid

In South Africa, the only country in the world where people's right to water is actually written into the Constitution, the townships surrounding cities like Johannesburg and Durb...

Aug 15, 2002 / Feature / Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke

Who Owns Water? Who Owns Water?

Privatization must be stopped, and water declared the common property of all.

Aug 15, 2002 / Feature / Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke

California Green Light California Green Light

Who says the good guys never win? California's new global warming law is a bona fide big deal. Signed into law by Governor Gray Davis on July 22, the global warming bill requires ...

Aug 1, 2002 / Mark Hertsgaard

War in Colombia’s Oilfields War in Colombia’s Oilfields

Counterinsurgency aid will be a big boost to Occidental Petroleum.

Jul 18, 2002 / Feature / Steven Dudley

The Truth on Warming The Truth on Warming

The journalist I.F. Stone used to joke that the government issues so much information every day, it can't help but let the truth slip out every once in a while. The Bush Administr...

Jun 20, 2002 / Mark Hertsgaard

Department of Earth Security Department of Earth Security

The EPA cites chapter, and some verse, To show this warming's making matters worse. It's getting worse no matter how you score it. So here's the plan: They think we should ign...

Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Trouble on the Farm Trouble on the Farm

Scum and foam were piled so high on the surface of streams and ponds in the rural Illinois area neighboring the Inwood Dairy that it looked like snow.

Jun 5, 2002 / Feature / Bill Berkowitz

Lights Out on Bush’s Excuses Lights Out on Bush’s Excuses

Now that the Enron culprits have been caught red-handed, might not the media inquire of the President whether he takes any responsibility for nearly bankrupting California by ref...

May 15, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
