Keeping COP26 Promises? Keeping COP26 Promises?
US and China CO2 reductions: The clock is ticking.
Dec 17, 2021 / OppArt / Peter Kuper

This Year Disappointed on Climate. Fierce Accountability Journalism Can Help Save 2022. This Year Disappointed on Climate. Fierce Accountability Journalism Can Help Save 2022.
“There is always hope. And the worst thing that journalists can possibly ever do is engender despair.”
Dec 17, 2021 / Andrew McCormick

This Is Life After the Dixie Fire This Is Life After the Dixie Fire
People in high places with money to share are not riding over the ridge to our rescue.
Dec 16, 2021 / Jane Braxton Little

Michelle Wu: Cities Must Lead for the Green New Deal Michelle Wu: Cities Must Lead for the Green New Deal
An interview with the newly elected mayor of Boston about building on the accomplishments of progressive pioneers and shaping a new politics at the municipal level.
Dec 14, 2021 / Q&A / John Nichols

Can Farm Collectives Challenge Big Ag? Can Farm Collectives Challenge Big Ag?
The pandemic gave co-ops, food hubs, and community agriculture a boost, but keeping the momentum going will require help from policy-makers.
Dec 14, 2021 / Feature / Dean Kuipers

The Finger Lakes Are Being Poisoned The Finger Lakes Are Being Poisoned
The birthplace of American feminism is being buried under a mountain of garbage.
Dec 14, 2021 / Susan Brind Morrow

Deforestation Deep Cut Deforestation Deep Cut
Do trees have a standing?

New Corona Variants = More Deaths New Corona Variants = More Deaths
Protest against mandates = more variants.
Dec 7, 2021 / OppArt / Tjeerd Royaards

The Export Boom That Could Transform Texas—and the World The Export Boom That Could Transform Texas—and the World
The United States’ oil and gas export boom has been a decade in the making. All along the Texas coast, communities are fighting back against the industry’s expansion.
Dec 7, 2021 / Amal Ahmed