Journalists and the Looming Superstorm of Climate Disinformation Journalists and the Looming Superstorm of Climate Disinformation
With climate action on the table, disinformation is poised to get louder. What should journalists do about it?
Feb 24, 2021 / Andrew McCormick

We Need a Civilian Conservation Corps We Need a Civilian Conservation Corps
We need knowledgeable, passionate stewards of our public lands, but most people can’t afford to pursue a career in conservation. So let’s create the jobs.
Feb 22, 2021 / Paul Gordon

The US Returns to the Paris Agreement Today—With Lots of Work Ahead for the World The US Returns to the Paris Agreement Today—With Lots of Work Ahead for the World
Slashing emissions at home is only part of the challenge—the United States must also help other countries go green.
Feb 19, 2021 / Tom Athanasiou

Plundering Our Natural Resources Plundering Our Natural Resources
Drilling, mining, draining. The EPA’s response?
Feb 19, 2021 / OppArt / Henrik Drescher

The Real Reasons Texas’s Power Grid Is So Vulnerable The Real Reasons Texas’s Power Grid Is So Vulnerable
What’s happening in Texas is not an indicator that renewable energy is less reliable—it’s a signal that our infrastructure is frighteningly unprepared for extreme weather.
Feb 19, 2021 / Zoë Carpenter

While Texans Freeze, Governor Greg Abbott Lies About the Green New Deal While Texans Freeze, Governor Greg Abbott Lies About the Green New Deal
Republican politicians try—and fail—to deflect blame with outrageous spin.
Feb 18, 2021 / John Nichols

In Okinawa, the US Military Seeks a Base Built on the Bones of the War Dead In Okinawa, the US Military Seeks a Base Built on the Bones of the War Dead
Japan is using earth from a battlefield filled with human remains to build the foundation of a US military installation.
Feb 18, 2021 / Maia Hibbett

How a Texas TV Reporter Gained Confidence to Cover Climate Change How a Texas TV Reporter Gained Confidence to Cover Climate Change
Local journalists can play a powerful role in ensuring the climate story is told right.
Feb 17, 2021 / David Schechter

Bill Gates, Climate Warrior. And Super Emitter. Bill Gates, Climate Warrior. And Super Emitter.
The billionaire’s new book, a bid to be taken seriously as a climate campaigner, has attracted the usual worshipful coverage. When will the media realize that with Gates you have t...
Feb 16, 2021 / Tim Schwab

How a Climate-Justice Champion Won Office in Rural, Working-Class Maine How a Climate-Justice Champion Won Office in Rural, Working-Class Maine
State Senator Chloe Maxmin, a progressive activist who unseated the GOP minority leader in November, talks about social-movement organizing.
Feb 16, 2021 / Q&A / Wen Stephenson