Environmental Activism

Students Mark Anniversary of BP Disaster With a Human Oil Spill

Students Mark Anniversary of BP Disaster With a Human Oil Spill Students Mark Anniversary of BP Disaster With a Human Oil Spill

Students put the pressure on Governor Jerry Brown to ban fracking in California.

Apr 23, 2014 / StudentNation / Bo Kovitz and StudentNation

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Time to Return Earth Day to its Radical Origins

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Time to Return Earth Day to its Radical Origins This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Time to Return Earth Day to its Radical Origins

The most important day to advocate for the Earth is not April 22nd, but April 23rd.

Apr 23, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The New Abolitionism

The New Abolitionism The New Abolitionism

Averting planetary disaster will mean forcing fossil fuel companies to give up at least $10 trillion in wealth.

Apr 22, 2014 / Feature / Chris Hayes

Earth Day’s Founding Father

Earth Day’s Founding Father Earth Day’s Founding Father

As a student and politician and activist, Gaylord Nelson kept his eyes open. 

Apr 22, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Let This Earth Day Be The Last

Let This Earth Day Be The Last Let This Earth Day Be The Last

“Environmentalism” has failed. The planet now needs a movement far more radical.

Apr 22, 2014 / Wen Stephenson

The Change Within: The Obstacles We Face Are Not Just External

The Change Within: The Obstacles We Face Are Not Just External The Change Within: The Obstacles We Face Are Not Just External

The climate crisis has such bad timing, confronting it not only requires a new economy but a new way of thinking.

Apr 21, 2014 / Feature / Naomi Klein

Harvard Fossil Fuel Divestment Smackdown: The Faculty vs. President Faust

Harvard Fossil Fuel Divestment Smackdown: The Faculty vs. President Faust Harvard Fossil Fuel Divestment Smackdown: The Faculty vs. President Faust

A large group of Harvard faculty release an open letter to President Drew Gilpin Faust calling forcefully for fossil-fuel divestment.

Apr 10, 2014 / Wen Stephenson

Deval Patrick, These Student Climate Activists Are Your Political Future

Deval Patrick, These Student Climate Activists Are Your Political Future Deval Patrick, These Student Climate Activists Are Your Political Future

Student climate activists in Massachusetts win a meeting with Governor Deval Patrick about banning new fossil-fuel infrastructure. But they need more than a meeting.

Apr 1, 2014 / Wen Stephenson

LA City Council Tells Big Oil To Frack Off

LA City Council Tells Big Oil To Frack Off LA City Council Tells Big Oil To Frack Off

As residents complain of nosebleeds and headaches, the country’s biggest oil-producing city moves to ban hydraulic fracturing.

Mar 27, 2014 / Simon Davis-Cohen

Why We Must Divest From Fossil Fuels: A Student’s Open Letter to Harvard President Drew Faust

Why We Must Divest From Fossil Fuels: A Student’s Open Letter to Harvard President Drew Faust Why We Must Divest From Fossil Fuels: A Student’s Open Letter to Harvard President Drew Faust

Harvard graduate student Benjamin Franta implores President Drew Gilpin Faust to be honest about her opposition to divestment.

Mar 19, 2014 / Wen Stephenson
