Environmental Issues

Is Fracking a Necessary Evil?

Is Fracking a Necessary Evil? Is Fracking a Necessary Evil?

Despite the ills of fracking, the Obama administration claims more natural gas is part of the solution to climate change.

Aug 15, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

Member of Congressional Science Committee: Global Warming a ‘Fraud’ to ‘Create Global Government’

Member of Congressional Science Committee: Global Warming a ‘Fraud’ to ‘Create Global Government’ Member of Congressional Science Committee: Global Warming a ‘Fraud’ to ‘Create Global Government’

Representative Dana Rohrabacher says global warming is a “fraud” to “create global government.”

Aug 10, 2013 / Lee Fang

Warning: This Gasoline Is Hazardous to Your Planet

Warning: This Gasoline Is Hazardous to Your Planet Warning: This Gasoline Is Hazardous to Your Planet

A new campaign wants to warn you about the perils of climate change by putting labels on gas pumps.

Aug 9, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

Frigid and Sweltering: The New Climate Normal

Frigid and Sweltering: The New Climate Normal Frigid and Sweltering: The New Climate Normal

A new report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says weather around the world is becoming more extreme.

Aug 8, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

The Third Carbon Age

The Third Carbon Age The Third Carbon Age

Don’t for a second imagine we’re heading for an era of renewable energy.

Aug 8, 2013 / Michael T. Klare

Unions and Environmentalists: A Match Made with Difficulty

Unions and Environmentalists: A Match Made with Difficulty Unions and Environmentalists: A Match Made with Difficulty

How labor and environmentalists in California are finding common cause.

Aug 7, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

Democratic Voters Say They Want a Revolution on Climate Policy

Democratic Voters Say They Want a Revolution on Climate Policy Democratic Voters Say They Want a Revolution on Climate Policy

Do Democrats’ words matter, even if their climate policies are gutless? It depends on what the public says next.

Aug 1, 2013 / Madeline Ostrander

The Naïveté We Need: Notes on a Climate Action

The Naïveté We Need: Notes on a Climate Action The Naïveté We Need: Notes on a Climate Action

At Sunday’s march on the Brayton Point coal plant in Massachusetts, I was reminded of what it takes for a movement to win.

Jul 30, 2013 / Wen Stephenson

Goodbye to All That (Water)

Goodbye to All That (Water) Goodbye to All That (Water)

Field notes from a drying west.

Jul 30, 2013 / William deBuys

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: How Not to Make a Dust Bowl Worse

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: How Not to Make a Dust Bowl Worse This Week in ‘Nation’ History: How Not to Make a Dust Bowl Worse

The current drought in the Southwest bears echoes of the 1930s, when Nation writers and illustrators evoked what it was like to have “nice hot dust in your nose, eyes, and th...

Jul 27, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
