Environmental Issues

Rob Hopkins: How Climate Change Puts Globalization in Reverse Rob Hopkins: How Climate Change Puts Globalization in Reverse

To confront climate change we need an alternative economic model that emphasizes the local. This will come as a shock to many, but haven't the last 50 years of globalization also b...

Apr 12, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Joining 350.org: The Next Phase Joining 350.org: The Next Phase

At this breakthrough moment in the history of the climate movement—when we recognize that the struggles for economic justice, real democracy and a livable climate are all interconn...

Apr 7, 2011 / Naomi Klein

John Ikerd: Dwindling Energy Resources Will Put The Economy at Risk

John Ikerd: Dwindling Energy Resources Will Put The Economy at Risk John Ikerd: Dwindling Energy Resources Will Put The Economy at Risk

John Ikerd on how we cannot continue to grow at the rate we've been growing in past.

Apr 6, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Christian Parenti: The Nuclear ‘Sacrifice Zone’ in Japan Christian Parenti: The Nuclear ‘Sacrifice Zone’ in Japan

In Japan, fears about nuclear fallout have only been getting worse as disaster cleanup crews struggle with radioactive water leaking out of the Fukushima plant.

Mar 30, 2011 / Press Room

Christian Parenti: The Nuclear ‘Sacrifice Zone’ in Japan Christian Parenti: The Nuclear ‘Sacrifice Zone’ in Japan

In Japan, fears about nuclear fallout have only been getting worse as disaster cleanup crews struggle with radioactive water leaking out of the Fukushima plant.

Mar 30, 2011 / MSNBC

Joel Salatin: Breaking Free From Factory Farms

Joel Salatin: Breaking Free From Factory Farms Joel Salatin: Breaking Free From Factory Farms

Joel Salatin outlines the key issues America faces as its citizens increasingly rely on concentrated animal feeding operations that require cheap energy in order to operate profita...

Mar 30, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Tell Facebook to Unfriend Coal Tell Facebook to Unfriend Coal

Facebook burns more fossil fuel each day than numerous nations.

Mar 29, 2011 / Peter Rothberg

Obama Loves Nukes

Obama Loves Nukes Obama Loves Nukes

Even as Fukushima threatens to unleash the greatest nuclear catastrophe since Chernobyl, the president champions nuclear power in the United States.

Mar 24, 2011 / Mark Hertsgaard

Lester Brown: The Planet’s Scarcest Resource Is Time Lester Brown: The Planet’s Scarcest Resource Is Time

Already, eighteen countries are overpumping their aquifers, and few realize that in the event of a crisis, the US food supply would run out in three days.

Mar 22, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

After Three Mile Island: The Rise and Fall of Nuclear Safety Culture

After Three Mile Island: The Rise and Fall of Nuclear Safety Culture After Three Mile Island: The Rise and Fall of Nuclear Safety Culture

The 1979 partial meltdown prompted more regulations and greater enforcement. Then in the 1990s, a Republican Congress took aim.

Mar 22, 2011 / Christian Parenti
