Environmental Issues

Copenhagen: Where Africa Took On Obama Copenhagen: Where Africa Took On Obama

As details of a woefully weak climate deal emerges, Africa's love affair with Obama is cooling fast.

Dec 8, 2009 / Naomi Klein

Klimaforum09 Opens in Copenhagen Klimaforum09 Opens in Copenhagen

As the first day of COP15 winds to a close, alternative summit provides a place for movement building.

Dec 7, 2009 / Robert S. Eshelman

A Historic Breakthrough? A Historic Breakthrough?

How Obama could save or scuttle a deal in Copenhagen, and why he needs civil society to push him.

Dec 7, 2009 / Mark Hertsgaard

Copenhagen: History’s Judgment at Stake Copenhagen: History’s Judgment at Stake

Today, fifty-six newspapers from around the world took the unusual step of publishing the very same thing--an editorial below, which calls for a "fair and effective deal" from the...

Dec 7, 2009 / The Editors

US: Cash for Exxon? Yes. Cash for Climate Change? No. US: Cash for Exxon? Yes. Cash for Climate Change? No.

Obama Administration is poised to provide an Exxon-led consortium with a $3 billion loan while remain uncommitted to financing climate adaptation.

Dec 7, 2009 / Robert S. Eshelman

The Physics of Copenhagen The Physics of Copenhagen

Why all the normal political calculations are likely to prove disastrous in Copenhagen.

Dec 7, 2009 / Bill McKibben

Averting a Flop-in-‘Hagen Averting a Flop-in-‘Hagen

As Copenhagen kicks off, pressing questions about emissions cuts and financing for poor countries to deal with climate change are already on the table.

Dec 7, 2009 / Feature / Robert S. Eshelman

COP15: What’s at Stake? COP15: What’s at Stake?

The most important international summit in history? Given what latest scientific reports tell us about the quickening pace of global warming, the sense of urgency driving attention...

Dec 4, 2009 / Feature / Robert S. Eshelman

Climate Fog Climate Fog

Congress is finally ready to address climate change--but the American public seems headed in the opposite direction.

Dec 2, 2009 / Chris Hayes

Day of Action on Climate Crisis Day of Action on Climate Crisis

As world leaders start gathering next week in Copenhagen, the people hit hardest by the climate change crisis -- the global poor -- will continue to be systematically excluded from...

Nov 30, 2009 / Peter Rothberg
