Environmental Issues

VideoNation: A City Made of Waste VideoNation: A City Made of Waste

Architect Teddy Cruz investigates a new kind of urban ecology in Tijuana, where creative dwellings for the poor are being developed.

Jan 29, 2009 / Laura Hanna

VideoNation: New Jobs for a Green Economy VideoNation: New Jobs for a Green Economy

Robert Pollin and Liza Featherstone explore the potential of a green economy and the importance of achieving it the right way.

Jan 29, 2009 / Brett Story

Slide Show: Our Fragile Planet Slide Show: Our Fragile Planet

Images that capture the challenges facing our environment and the reforms needed to save it.

Jan 29, 2009 / Photo Essay / The Nation

Green Jobs: Good Work If Youth Can Find It Green Jobs: Good Work If Youth Can Find It

Youth organizers have reason to hope green jobs can help change young lives.

Jan 28, 2009 / Feature / Kristina Rizga

Newark’s Great Green Hope Newark’s Great Green Hope

Even without an infusion of federal dollars, green jobs are becoming a reality in cities like Newark, New Jersey.

Jan 28, 2009 / Feature / J. Lester Feder

Think Solar, Think Small Think Solar, Think Small

The greening of America's power grid is a challenge to reject mega-projects in favor of local ones that harness renewable resources.

Jan 28, 2009 / Feature / Craig D. Rose

Ticket to Ride Ticket to Ride

The greenest way to lift the country out of a deepening recession is to put people to work building mass transit.

Jan 28, 2009 / Feature / Ben Adler

Help Wanted for Green Jobs Help Wanted for Green Jobs

It's inspiring to have a president who talks the talk on green-collar jobs. But we need megawatts, not just megawords.

Jan 28, 2009 / Feature / Liza Featherstone

Doing the Recovery Right Doing the Recovery Right

America's transformation to a clean-energy economy could merge the aims of environmental protection and social justice.

Jan 28, 2009 / Feature / Robert Pollin

Oil 2009: Be Careful What You Wish For Oil 2009: Be Careful What You Wish For

Whether the price of oil is high or low, someone's going to pay--and sooner or later all of us will--because our civilization is based on the stuff.

Jan 13, 2009 / Feature / Michael T. Klare
