Environmental Issues

How Bush’s Iraqi Oil Grab Went Awry How Bush’s Iraqi Oil Grab Went Awry

Want proof the Iraq War was all about oil? Here it is.

Sep 26, 2007 / Feature / Dilip Hiro

Beyond ‘Green Shopping’ Beyond ‘Green Shopping’

Don't believe the hype that "clean coal," "clean nuclear power" and biofuels will solve the environmental crisis.

Sep 6, 2007 / John Cavanagh and Jerry Mander

The Hundred-Mile Diet The Hundred-Mile Diet

A new way to fight global warming and corporate agriculture: Eat only locally grown food, and call yourself a localvore.

Aug 23, 2007 / Feature / Christopher Ketcham

A Bronx Tale A Bronx Tale

From Providence to Los Angeles and even the Bronx, urban rivers that were polluted and even paved over are being restored.

Jul 26, 2007 / Tracy Tullis

Why Milk Costs More Than Gas Why Milk Costs More Than Gas

America's kids will get less calcium because of our unabated appetite for gas-guzzling cars--and the wrongheaded belief that ethanol is the answer.

Jul 16, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Religious Leaders Challenge a Polluter Religious Leaders Challenge a Polluter

A delegation of church leaders traveled to the US, calling on corporate mogul Ira Rennert to clean up the smelters that are poisoning the children of Peru.

Jun 26, 2007 / Feature / Sara Shipley Hiles

Watch Your Foodometer Watch Your Foodometer

Here's a way to consume less oil: Eat locally! Video artist Molly Schwartz traces how far food travels from field to fork.

Jun 25, 2007 / The Nation Video

Lady With a Lawnmower Lady With a Lawnmower

She cuts her lawn slowly with a push mower. I save time, hiring men to run machines, burn gas, kill the ozone. Who's the wiser?

Jun 25, 2007 / Feature / Donna Schaper

Getting Real About Food Getting Real About Food

Something very strange has happened to food in the richest country in the world: It's fast, but it ain't good. And it travels way too far a distance from the field to your fork.

Jun 25, 2007 / Feature / Molly Schwartz and Donna Schaper

Dissidents Against Dogma Dissidents Against Dogma

Even more contrarian thinking about global warming.

Jun 7, 2007 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
