Environmental Issues

Life in a Post-Carbon World Life in a Post-Carbon World

If we are to survive and prosper in an oil-short world, we must not only think outside the box--we must get rid of the box. We must abandon the long-held idea that growth is the pa...

Aug 15, 2006 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman

The G-8’s Risky Nuclear Embrace The G-8’s Risky Nuclear Embrace

As leaders of the world's richest nations gather in St. Petersburg to craft a global energy security strategy, they're poised to endorse a major expansion of nuclear power. Bad ide...

Jul 17, 2006 / Feature / Mark Hertsgaard

Atrophy of the Well Atrophy of the Well

Few of us can now imagine a world without freshwater, but look to the future, when the scarcity of this most basic commodity will profoundly change our lives.

Jun 27, 2006 / LiAnn Yim

Wake-up Call Wake-up Call

By adopting the principles of natural capitalism, America can regain its sanity and reverse the reckless use, overuse, waste and destruction of our natural resources.

Jun 27, 2006 / Brie Cubelic

Party of a Different Color Party of a Different Color

"Vote Blue, Go Green" is the new slogan of Britain's Conservative Party, a measure of just how great a concern climate change is becoming to politicians of all stripes.

Jun 21, 2006 / Mark Hertsgaard

Heat Wave Heat Wave

As the planet warms and global catastrophe beckons, what changes are we willing to make to adjust to a brave new world? Tim Flannery and Elizabeth Kolbert seek answers in two provo...

Jun 13, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Peter Canby

A Thirst for West Bank Water A Thirst for West Bank Water

Israel's "convergence" plan will maintain control over most of Palestine's water supply--dimming hopes for peace and a viable Palestinian state.

Jun 9, 2006 / Feature / Fareed Taamallah

Road to Perdition Road to Perdition

A nearly forgotten criminal conspiracy by GM, Firestone and Chevron shut down the nation's municipal railways, replacing them with gas-guzzling bus lines, paving the way for global...

May 31, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Morton Mintz

Gore Warms Up Gore Warms Up

Al Gore is trying to save the world by stirring a nation in denial over global warming to meaningful action. The pity is that this is a job for a former politician, not a current o...

May 25, 2006 / David Corn

The Scramble for Oil The Scramble for Oil

The Bush Administration's warm embrace of the Equatorial Guinea's despotic President Teodoro Mbasogo demonstrates how low it will go in pursuit of oil.

May 18, 2006 / Feature / Cora Currier
