Environmental Issues

Bush’s Global Warmers Bush’s Global Warmers

Four days after the press reported that he was about to cut climate-altering carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, George W. Bush caved in to the Neanderthal wing of the ...

Mar 22, 2001 / Ross Gelbspan

When Ignorance Is Bliss When Ignorance Is Bliss

I have eaten more than my share of Whoppers in my forty-one years. As a teenager I liked them so much I'd worry about whether I could afford another one while still eating the fi...

Mar 8, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman

Trading With the Enemy Trading With the Enemy

Multinationals, their intellectual coverings shredded, are love-bombing labor while hunting for new fig leaves.

Mar 8, 2001 / Feature / William Greider

People’s Power in CA People’s Power in CA

When former Republican Governor Pete Wilson & Co. started the ball rolling on electric power deregulation in California, there were probably many results they didn't anticipat...

Mar 1, 2001 / William Bradley

Power Lines Power Lines

As George W. Bush so fuzzily put it, "The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating ...

Feb 15, 2001 / The Editors

California’s Deregulation Disaster California’s Deregulation Disaster

Greed led to miscalculation, which led to brownouts and soaring rates.

Jan 26, 2001 / Feature / Harvey Wasserman

No Nukes=Better Health No Nukes=Better Health

There wasn't much good news to report from the year 2000, but topping the list in health terms was the long-overdue final shutdown of the Chernobyl nuclear power station on Decem...

Jan 12, 2001 / Harvey Wasserman

The Three Horsemen The Three Horsemen

President-elect Bush's naming of former Colorado Attorney General Gale Norton as Interior Secretary and recently defeated Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham as Energy Secretary sug...

Jan 11, 2001 / Feature / David Helvarg

Whitman: A Toxic Choice Whitman: A Toxic Choice

When W. gave the nod to New Jersey Governor Christie Todd Whitman for the top EPA spot in his administration, the tone-deaf national press corps praised the appointment of a "mod...

Jan 11, 2001 / Feature / Doug Ireland

Cool It, World Cool It, World

After three years of diplomatic fatigue, the United States put delegates from 170 countries out of their misery at the latest round of climate talks at The Hague in November by s...

Jan 5, 2001 / Ross Gelbspan
