Environmental Issues

Silence of the Climate Watchdogs

Silence of the Climate Watchdogs Silence of the Climate Watchdogs

Fixated on the coronavirus, many newsrooms are missing brazen assaults on a livable climate.

Apr 8, 2020 / Mark Hertsgaard

Activists behind a gate read a sign that says

The Covid-19 Crisis Is Exposing Trump’s Criminality The Covid-19 Crisis Is Exposing Trump’s Criminality

His rollback of fuel efficiency standards, continued construction of the border wall, and refusal to reopen ACA enrollment will kill people.

Apr 3, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Rethinking Our Relationship to the Natural World After Covid-19

Rethinking Our Relationship to the Natural World After Covid-19 Rethinking Our Relationship to the Natural World After Covid-19

The only way to stop future disasters is to reconceptualize our political, economic, and social systems.

Apr 3, 2020 / Michael T. Klare

How to Prepare for the Next Pandemic

How to Prepare for the Next Pandemic How to Prepare for the Next Pandemic

What if we took advantage of this moment to tell a different story about wealth?

Apr 2, 2020 / Jonathan Heller and Judith Barish

How a Human Rights Lawyer Went From Hero to House Arrest

How a Human Rights Lawyer Went From Hero to House Arrest How a Human Rights Lawyer Went From Hero to House Arrest

Lawyer Steven Donziger helped win a $9.5 billion judgment for rain forest cleanup. Then Chevron hit back.

Mar 31, 2020 / Feature / James North

Candi Brings Plenty prays outside SD capitol

To Stop Anti-Trans Legislation, Abolish the Settler State To Stop Anti-Trans Legislation, Abolish the Settler State

Candi Brings Plenty, a two-spirit activist, is redefining indigenous justice.

Mar 27, 2020 / Q&A / Tal Milovina

Thomas Piketty: Confronting Our Long History of Massive Inequality

Thomas Piketty: Confronting Our Long History of Massive Inequality Thomas Piketty: Confronting Our Long History of Massive Inequality

We talked to the French economist about his new book Capital and Ideology, his thoughts on Covid-19, and more.

Mar 26, 2020 / Q&A / Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

The Media’s Covid-19 Coverage Proves It Could Also Spotlight the Climate Crisis

The Media’s Covid-19 Coverage Proves It Could Also Spotlight the Climate Crisis The Media’s Covid-19 Coverage Proves It Could Also Spotlight the Climate Crisis

Flattening the curve is key to survival in both cases

Mar 25, 2020 / Mark Hertsgaard

Honduras’s Deadly Water Wars

Honduras’s Deadly Water Wars Honduras’s Deadly Water Wars

In the lush Bajo Aguán valley, successive land and water conflicts have left over 150 people dead. And the fight is not over yet.

Mar 24, 2020 / Jared Olson

The Fight to Keep the Mediterranean Free of Oil Drilling

The Fight to Keep the Mediterranean Free of Oil Drilling The Fight to Keep the Mediterranean Free of Oil Drilling

Activists are winning important fights against hydrocarbon exploration in the Mediterranean—but so much is still at stake.

Mar 24, 2020 / Feature / Eurydice Bersi
