Ethical Economics

Can Debt Spark a Revolution? Can Debt Spark a Revolution?

If Occupy evolves into a debt resistance movement, the results could be explosive.

Sep 5, 2012 / Feature / David Graeber

The Brawl Over Fair Trade Coffee

The Brawl Over Fair Trade Coffee The Brawl Over Fair Trade Coffee

Corporate sponsorship is undermining a wide network of democratic, farmer-owned co-ops.

Aug 22, 2012 / Feature / Scott Sherman

How to Launch a Mass Movement for Economic Justice

How to Launch a Mass Movement for Economic Justice How to Launch a Mass Movement for Economic Justice

Progressive leaders are rolling out a bold plan to push Washington off the austerity path. But can they deliver?

Aug 8, 2012 / Feature / William Greider

John Fullerton: How Can We Curb Financial Speculation?

John Fullerton: How Can We Curb Financial Speculation? John Fullerton: How Can We Curb Financial Speculation?

The former JP Morgan director makes the case for "Robin Hood" taxes.

Aug 3, 2012 / Francis Reynolds

Will Britain’s Libor Scandal Finally Force Real Bank Reform in the US?

Will Britain’s Libor Scandal Finally Force Real Bank Reform in the US? Will Britain’s Libor Scandal Finally Force Real Bank Reform in the US?

The head of the Bank of England now says bankers’ lies about interest rates “meet my definition of fraud.” Will US officials finally crack down?

Jul 17, 2012 / John Nichols

Four Spending Myths That Could Wreck Our World Four Spending Myths That Could Wreck Our World

This is how not to solve an American crisis.

Jul 17, 2012 / Mattea Kramer

How Do Attacks on Bain Go Over With Wealthy Democrats? How Do Attacks on Bain Go Over With Wealthy Democrats?

With a pitch-perfect emblem of guilded-age greed as his opponent, and private equity in the spotlight, why isn't Obama much farther ahead in the polls?

Jul 16, 2012 / Chris Hayes

John Fullerton: Can Financial Reform Fight Climate Change?

John Fullerton: Can Financial Reform Fight Climate Change? John Fullerton: Can Financial Reform Fight Climate Change?

A former managing director at JP Morgan wants to see a complete re-imagining of the world of investments.

Jul 8, 2012 / Francis Reynolds

Workers vs. Investors: Chicago Window Factory in Danger of Liquidation

Workers vs. Investors: Chicago Window Factory in Danger of Liquidation Workers vs. Investors: Chicago Window Factory in Danger of Liquidation

The workers at Republic Windows and Doors have formed a co-op, New Era Windows, and made a bid to buy the plant. The factory’s current owners seem intent on selling off its p...

Jul 5, 2012 / Laura Flanders

Independence for Indy Publisher Chelsea Green Independence for Indy Publisher Chelsea Green

Chelsea Green employees celebrated July 4th this year, not only independent but as brand-new employee-owners of their company.

Jul 4, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Laura Flanders
