Here’s What Not to Do After Paris Here’s What Not to Do After Paris
Why do Republican presidential candidates insist on giving ISIS exactly what it wants?
Nov 19, 2015 / Tom Engelhardt
ISIS Wants You to Hate Muslims ISIS Wants You to Hate Muslims
It’s convinced that Islamophobia—and deeper Western intervention in the Syrian war—will help it attract recruits.
Nov 19, 2015 / The Editors
Merkel’s Refugee Policy Is Political Calculus, Not Humanitarian Generosity Merkel’s Refugee Policy Is Political Calculus, Not Humanitarian Generosity
It’s high time to wipe the rose tint from the media’s lens on Germany as the shining bastion of Willkommenskultur.
Nov 19, 2015 / Natasha Lennard and Lukas Hermsmeier
France’s Ramped-Up Syria Bombing Comes Up Empty France’s Ramped-Up Syria Bombing Comes Up Empty
The impulse to “do something” doesn’t guarantee results against the Islamic State. Should we worry about what it will take?
Nov 18, 2015 / Ali Gharib
Will Paris Melt the New US-Russian Cold War? Will Paris Melt the New US-Russian Cold War?
Paris and Moscow form an alliance while Washington dithers.
Nov 18, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen
European Countries’ Closing Their Borders to Refugees Is Collective Punishment European Countries’ Closing Their Borders to Refugees Is Collective Punishment
EU states’ attempts to “opt out” of international law will only fuel more regional chaos.
Nov 18, 2015 / Michelle Chen
Why Paris Became the Jihadi Jackpot Why Paris Became the Jihadi Jackpot
It incarnates the spirit of humanism and universalism that released Europe from the bonds of religion. That’s exactly why the fanatics loathe it.
Nov 17, 2015 / Natasha Lehrer
Why Another ‘War on Terror’ Won’t Work Why Another ‘War on Terror’ Won’t Work
When we respond to terror attacks with air strikes and drone killings, we seem oblivious to the terror for which we ourselves are responsible.
Nov 17, 2015 / Mary Kaldor
Is It Wrong to Mourn Paris More Deeply Than Beirut? Is It Wrong to Mourn Paris More Deeply Than Beirut?
Paris was a wake-up call for Westerners—a reminder that we usually have the luxury to ignore the costs of war, even as our governments inflict them on foreigners.
Nov 16, 2015 / Jeanne Kay
France Should Stop Listening to Saudi Arabia on Syria France Should Stop Listening to Saudi Arabia on Syria
ISIS is the most urgent threat to the West stemming from the Syrian war and must be destroyed. Assad’s murderous dictatorship can be dealt with next.
Nov 15, 2015 / Juan Cole