These Irish Antiwar Protesters Are Sick of Having the US Military in Their Country These Irish Antiwar Protesters Are Sick of Having the US Military in Their Country
The influx of Syrian refugees into Europe has reinvigorated Ireland’s debate on its involvement with the war on terror.
Oct 20, 2015 / Danielle Ryan
Fed-Up Refugees Are Actually Breaking Through Border Controls in the Balkans Fed-Up Refugees Are Actually Breaking Through Border Controls in the Balkans
“Today we said ‘enough’ and decided to march.”
Oct 20, 2015 / Jesse Rosenfeld
Europe’s Left Continues Its Rise to Power—This Time in Portugal Europe’s Left Continues Its Rise to Power—This Time in Portugal
In recent elections, left parties garnered more than 50 percent of the vote and austerity took a major hit.
Oct 14, 2015 / Conn Hallinan
The New Cold War Is Now Being Waged on Three Fronts: Ukraine, Europe and Syria The New Cold War Is Now Being Waged on Three Fronts: Ukraine, Europe and Syria
It need not be on any of them.
Oct 7, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen
Why the Catalonia Separatist Question Will Continue to Plague Spain Why the Catalonia Separatist Question Will Continue to Plague Spain
Left-right divisions, amid continuing public anger at government austerity and corruption, have stymied unity in both the anti- and pro-independence camps.
Oct 5, 2015 / Andy Robinson
‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer ‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer
The Post is coming down hard against Russia’s operations in Syria.
Oct 5, 2015 / James Carden
Putin at the UN Putin at the UN
Russian leader asks, will the US rethink its destructive, “revolutionary” role in the world?
Sep 30, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen
Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This
From Germany to Switzerland, asylum seekers are organizing to demand humane treatment from rich nations.
Sep 30, 2015 / Caitlin L. Chandler
September 30, 2005: Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed Appear in a Danish Newspaper September 30, 2005: Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed Appear in a Danish Newspaper
“The cartoon scandal is about much more than freedom of speech. At its heart the controversy is about power.”
Sep 30, 2015 / Richard Kreitner
Jeremy Corbyn Speaks, but Will a New Generation Listen? Jeremy Corbyn Speaks, but Will a New Generation Listen?
In his speech at the Labour Party conference, Corbyn appeared calm, relaxed and genial. But does his persona resonate more with the past than with the future?
Sep 29, 2015 / D.D. Guttenplan