
Greece and the Euro

The Troika’s Ultimatum to Greece Is Terrible. Leaving the Euro Would Be Worse. The Troika’s Ultimatum to Greece Is Terrible. Leaving the Euro Would Be Worse.

Those who blithely call for exit haven’t fully imagined what that would mean for Greek citizens.

Jul 13, 2015 / Maria Margaronis

Bill O'Reilly Islamophobia

Fox News and Right-Wing Radio Have Helped Racists Broadcast Islamophobic Vitriol to Millions Fox News and Right-Wing Radio Have Helped Racists Broadcast Islamophobic Vitriol to Millions

The dangerous propaganda being promoted by hate groups is putting American Muslims at risk.

Jul 9, 2015 / Juan Cole

Vladimir Putin

Is ‘Putin’s Aggression’ Primarily Responsible for the Increasingly Dangerous New US-Russian Cold War? Is ‘Putin’s Aggression’ Primarily Responsible for the Increasingly Dangerous New US-Russian Cold War?

What the ongoing policy conflicts in Moscow mean for US–Russian relations.

Jul 8, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

Hollande and Merkel

Will Europe’s Leaders Come to Their Senses About Greece? Will Europe’s Leaders Come to Their Senses About Greece?

The time is now for Europe’s leaders to understand that this crisis is not about accounting, but the continent’s future.

Jul 7, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Austerity Has Failed: An Open Letter From Thomas Piketty to Angela Merkel Austerity Has Failed: An Open Letter From Thomas Piketty to Angela Merkel

Five leading economists warn the German chancellor, “History will remember you for your actions this week.”

Jul 7, 2015 / Thomas Piketty, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Heiner Flassbeck, Dani Rodrik, and Simon Wren-Lewis

Bernie Sanders: ‘I Applaud the People of Greece’

Bernie Sanders: ‘I Applaud the People of Greece’ Bernie Sanders: ‘I Applaud the People of Greece’

Bernie Sanders, Joe Stiglitz, and Dan Cantor on the necessity of voting “no” to austerity measures.

Jul 6, 2015 / John Nichols

Military Exercise in Ukraine

Why the New US-Russian Cold War May Be More Dangerous Than the Last Why the New US-Russian Cold War May Be More Dangerous Than the Last

As the Minsk accord seems to collapse, new military dangers loom.

Jul 2, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

Putin and Jinping

Russia or China? Washington Can’t Decide Who’s a Bigger Threat Russia or China? Washington Can’t Decide Who’s a Bigger Threat

Knowing one’s enemy is usually considered the essence of strategic planning. Washington doesn’t know.

Jul 2, 2015 / Michael T. Klare

Patti Smith

Patti Smith’s Summer of Rebellion Patti Smith’s Summer of Rebellion

The veteran rocker is giving Europe “a masterclass in focused protest rock that puts younger artists to shame.”

Jul 2, 2015 / John Nichols

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

June 28, 1914: Gavrilo Princip Assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Sparking World War I June 28, 1914: Gavrilo Princip Assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Sparking World War I

"Governments cannot yield to terrorism."

Jun 28, 2015 / Richard Kreitner
