Trump Staffers Claim to Be Shocked That He Sexualized Ivanka Trump Staffers Claim to Be Shocked That He Sexualized Ivanka
Those who cared about Trump’s sexual perversion knew. Those who wanted White House jobs pretended not to.
Jun 29, 2023 / Joan Walsh
Julian Assange and Arnon Milchan: The Lopsided Scales of American Justice Julian Assange and Arnon Milchan: The Lopsided Scales of American Justice
One has boasted of espionage. The other revealed massive government wrongdoing. So why is the whistleblower in jail?
Jun 27, 2023 / James Bamford
Putin’s War Comes Home Putin’s War Comes Home
Though the Wagner mutiny was short-lived, it shows how Russia could collapse.
Jun 26, 2023 / Jeet Heer
The Federal Government Is “Affirming Everything That Black People Have Been Saying” The Federal Government Is “Affirming Everything That Black People Have Been Saying”
The Department of Justice report slamming the Minneapolis Police Department is also a cause for hope.
Jun 22, 2023 / Ibrahim Hirsi
The CIA’s New Nord Stream Narrative Is Terrifying The CIA’s New Nord Stream Narrative Is Terrifying
Should we believe American officials who claim they can’t stop Ukraine from reckless escalation?
Jun 20, 2023 / Jeet Heer
If Donald Trump Went to Jail for Violating the Espionage Act, He’d Be an Exception If Donald Trump Went to Jail for Violating the Espionage Act, He’d Be an Exception
It’s only whistleblowers who do hard time. Generals and high officials typically get just a slap on the wrist.
Jun 20, 2023 / James Bamford
Larry Summers and the Crisis of Economic Orthodoxy Larry Summers and the Crisis of Economic Orthodoxy
The establishment’s repeated failures are creating room for heterodox ideas.
Jun 16, 2023 / Jeet Heer
Cornel West Is the Right Man in the Wrong Party Cornel West Is the Right Man in the Wrong Party
An otherwise credible left-wing challenge to Biden is hampered by the dysfunctional People’s Party.
Jun 12, 2023 / Jeet Heer
Focusing on the Differences Between DeSantis and Trump Is Plainly Absurd Focusing on the Differences Between DeSantis and Trump Is Plainly Absurd
In the areas where Americans would be most severely affected, there’s hardly a fly’s hair of separation between them.
May 25, 2023 / Clarence Lusane
The Reagan-Era Roots of Democratic Budget Appeasement The Reagan-Era Roots of Democratic Budget Appeasement
How the Center on Budget Policy and Priorities has conducted budget negotiations in a defensive crouch
May 24, 2023 / Max Moran