The Road to the Green New Deal Lies Through This Overlooked Agency The Road to the Green New Deal Lies Through This Overlooked Agency
The Department of Interior will shape the fate of this country’s climate resilience—but first it will have to be rebuilt after being ransacked by Trump cronies.
Jan 27, 2020 / Jimmy Tobias
Impeachment Shouldn’t Overshadow Saudi Scandals Impeachment Shouldn’t Overshadow Saudi Scandals
Mohammed bin Salman is out of control and has Trump’s protection. Democrats should ask why.
Jan 24, 2020 / Jeet Heer
Trump Is Shooting the Constitution in the Middle of Pennsylvania Avenue Trump Is Shooting the Constitution in the Middle of Pennsylvania Avenue
A brazen president brags about obstruction of Congress and thwarting the system of checks and balances.
Jan 22, 2020 / John Nichols
McConnell Rules? Not So Much. McConnell Rules? Not So Much.
On day one of the impeachment trial, the Senate majority leader caved on several proposed rules, while Schumer’s pushback gave House impeachment managers many extra hours to make t...
Jan 22, 2020 / Joan Walsh
How Does This White House Stop Lying? By Not Talking at All. How Does This White House Stop Lying? By Not Talking at All.
That must be why there hasn’t been a regular press briefing in 300 days.
Jan 17, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky
Mitch McConnell Is the Crooked Guardian of an Imperial Presidency Mitch McConnell Is the Crooked Guardian of an Imperial Presidency
The majority leader has admitted he’s conspiring to thwart an impartial impeachment trial. Everyone with a brain and a conscience should be calling for his recusal.
Jan 16, 2020 / John Nichols
Bernie Sanders Won’t Play Your Game Bernie Sanders Won’t Play Your Game
Instead of accepting Trump’s trade deal and compromises on saving the planet, Sanders said in Tuesday’s debate, “We need some corporate responsibility here.”
Jan 15, 2020 / John Nichols
Congress Finally Begins to Assert Its War Powers Authority Congress Finally Begins to Assert Its War Powers Authority
So why do so many congressional Republicans reject their oaths of office and bow to Donald Trump’s unconscionable demands?
Jan 11, 2020 / John Nichols
Nixon’s Precedent for Trump: How to Get Away With It Nixon’s Precedent for Trump: How to Get Away With It
Nixon’s Watergate resignation was the exception; successful partisan cover-ups have been the norm for Republicans.
Jan 10, 2020 / Jeet Heer
Sanctions Are Economic Warfare Sanctions Are Economic Warfare
Trump used his Iran speech to say the US is “ready to embrace peace with all who seek it.” But the crippling sanctions he proposes will only make things worse.
Jan 9, 2020 / John Nichols