Executive Branch

US Warships near Korean Peninsula

The 2010s Were a Decade of Imperial Overreach. Trump Is Making It Worse. The 2010s Were a Decade of Imperial Overreach. Trump Is Making It Worse.

Historically, such an approach does not end well, and there is ample evidence that Trump’s foreign policy is failing nearly everywhere.

Jan 7, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

If Americans Die in the Escalating Iran Crisis, Remember That Mike Pompeo Called It ‘a Little Noise’

If Americans Die in the Escalating Iran Crisis, Remember That Mike Pompeo Called It ‘a Little Noise’ If Americans Die in the Escalating Iran Crisis, Remember That Mike Pompeo Called It ‘a Little Noise’

His shilling for Trump’s war crimes makes Rumsfeld and Cheney look… well, as awful as ever. But he’s trying to join their ranks.

Jan 7, 2020 / Joan Walsh

Congress, Don’t Stop at Passing a Strong War Powers Resolution

Congress, Don’t Stop at Passing a Strong War Powers Resolution Congress, Don’t Stop at Passing a Strong War Powers Resolution

Block war funding, revoke AUMFs, move to renew the Iran nuclear deal, and hold Trump to account.

Jan 6, 2020 / John Nichols

Congress Must Check and Balance Trump to Avert War With Iran

Congress Must Check and Balance Trump to Avert War With Iran Congress Must Check and Balance Trump to Avert War With Iran

“Our nation must avoid another endless war in 2020 and the potential senseless loss of millions of lives,” says Congressional Progressive Caucus cochair Mark Pocan.

Jan 3, 2020 / John Nichols

True Religious Faith Demands an Unwavering Rebuke of Trumpism

True Religious Faith Demands an Unwavering Rebuke of Trumpism True Religious Faith Demands an Unwavering Rebuke of Trumpism

Prophetic Christianity insists that faith must speak up for the vulnerable. To revive the heart of democracy, this nation needs a revolution of values.

Dec 23, 2019 / Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

The Democratic Leadership’s Strategy on Impeachment Is Doomed and Dangerous

The Democratic Leadership’s Strategy on Impeachment Is Doomed and Dangerous The Democratic Leadership’s Strategy on Impeachment Is Doomed and Dangerous

It’s hard to take the charge that Trump is a threat to national security seriously when Democrats in Congress are happy to help him shovel more money at the military.

Dec 19, 2019 / Aaron Maté

Live Chat: Watch the Democratic Debate With ‘The Nation’

Live Chat: Watch the Democratic Debate With ‘The Nation’ Live Chat: Watch the Democratic Debate With ‘The Nation’

Our stellar cast of blogging heads is analyzing and commenting on tonight’s heated Democratic debate.

Dec 19, 2019 / The Nation

The House Impeaches Trump

The House Impeaches Trump The House Impeaches Trump

Trump has abused his power and obstructed Congress, and Wednesday night, the House of Representatives held him accountable.

Dec 18, 2019 / John Nichols

WATCH: The House of Representatives Considers Articles of Impeachment

WATCH: The House of Representatives Considers Articles of Impeachment WATCH: The House of Representatives Considers Articles of Impeachment

Watch the House impeachment proceedings and read the two articles of impeachment against Trump.

Dec 18, 2019 / The Nation

Hagel speaks with Afghanistan troops

Those Who Ran the Afghanistan War Lied. They Must Be Held to Account. Those Who Ran the Afghanistan War Lied. They Must Be Held to Account.

Activists often pledge to “speak truth to power.” The sad reality is that power often knows the truth.

Dec 17, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
