
INFOGRAPHICS: How the Anti-Prostitution Pledge Hinders AIDS Prevention

INFOGRAPHICS: How the Anti-Prostitution Pledge Hinders AIDS Prevention INFOGRAPHICS: How the Anti-Prostitution Pledge Hinders AIDS Prevention

Recipients of AIDS/HIV funding from the United States may soon be free of the harmful anti-prostitution requirement. 

Jun 12, 2013 / Melissa Gira Grant

A Syrian Refugee Wedding

A Syrian Refugee Wedding A Syrian Refugee Wedding

Early marriage and domestic violence in the camps are a fact of life for girls fleeing the civil war.

Jun 5, 2013 / Feature / Lauren Wolfe

A Female President and the Power of Symbolism: A Response to Amy Schiller

A Female President and the Power of Symbolism: A Response to Amy Schiller A Female President and the Power of Symbolism: A Response to Amy Schiller

I don’t have simplistic fantasies about being rescued from oppression by figureheads alone. But I also know that women and people of color are a threat to the status quo.

Jun 5, 2013 / Erica Brazelton

The Most Underestimated Feminist in DC

The Most Underestimated Feminist in DC The Most Underestimated Feminist in DC

With a two-seat gain while chair of the DSCC and a successful effort to get a budget through the Senate under her belt, Patty Murray has become a major force in the Senate.

Jun 4, 2013 / David Sarasohn

Fuck the High Road: The Upside of Sinking to Their Level

Fuck the High Road: The Upside of Sinking to Their Level Fuck the High Road: The Upside of Sinking to Their Level

Sometimes, you've got to feed the trolls.

Jun 3, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

Could the Facebook Win Be Feminism’s Tipping Point?

Could the Facebook Win Be Feminism’s Tipping Point? Could the Facebook Win Be Feminism’s Tipping Point?

Rape jokes, anti-feminist jibes and other forms of hate speech are—in the public eye—no longer anomalies.

May 30, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

Will El Salvador’s Anti-Choice Government Let a Pregnant Woman Die?

Will El Salvador’s Anti-Choice Government Let a Pregnant Woman Die? Will El Salvador’s Anti-Choice Government Let a Pregnant Woman Die?

Here’s what you can do to help save Beatriz, the victim of “pro-life” orthodoxy on overdrive.

May 30, 2013 / Katha Pollitt

Why the Military Protects the Command Structure Instead of the Victims

Why the Military Protects the Command Structure Instead of the Victims Why the Military Protects the Command Structure Instead of the Victims

The military’s dismal record on sexual assault shows it just isn’t taking the problem seriously.

May 29, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Women’s Equality or Public Financing? We Need Both

Women’s Equality or Public Financing? We Need Both Women’s Equality or Public Financing? We Need Both

Republicans are obfuscating the debate by offering a false choice between gender equality and the public financing of elections, when really the two issues are deeply linked. ...

May 23, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Feminist Case Against a Woman President: A Response to Jessica Valenti

The Feminist Case Against a Woman President: A Response to Jessica Valenti The Feminist Case Against a Woman President: A Response to Jessica Valenti

Feminism is not any single person or outcome, it’s a practice, and a far more active one than Valenti gives credit for.

May 22, 2013 / Amy Schiller
