
Back Talk: E.L. Doctorow Back Talk: E.L. Doctorow

A conversation with the author of Homer and Langley about opting out.

Sep 23, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Christine Smallwood

A Domestic Existentialist: On Mercè Rodoreda A Domestic Existentialist: On Mercè Rodoreda

Mercè Rodoreda's fiction plumbs a sadness borne of helplessness, an almost voluptuous vulnerability.

Sep 16, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Natasha Wimmer

Speak as Little as Possible: On Clarice Lispector

Speak as Little as Possible: On Clarice Lispector Speak as Little as Possible: On Clarice Lispector

Novelist Clarice Lispector idealized animals and idiots because they were free of the desire to translate experience into words.

Sep 10, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Rachel Aviv

Aracataca and Sucre Aracataca and Sucre

Will narrowed on a single object and fixed in the face of adversity--such is the recurring story of Gabriel García Márquez's work and life.

Sep 2, 2009 / Books & the Arts / William Deresiewicz

In the Theater of Isak Dinesen In the Theater of Isak Dinesen

A reconsideration of the fictive truths behind a storyteller's many masks.

Aug 12, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Joanna Scott

Iron Hans Iron Hans

Novelist Hans Fallada resented the constraints of the Nazi era but did not desist in his craft.

Jun 24, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Lytal

Seed Projects: The Fiction of Alejandro Zambra Seed Projects: The Fiction of Alejandro Zambra

Does Alejandro Zambra's Bonsai mark the end of an era in Chilean literature?

Jun 17, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Marcela Valdes

Chop Shops Chop Shops

Over a decade ago, in his novel The Ax, Donald E. Westlake captured the ruthlessness and anomie of economic Darwinism.

May 26, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Charles Taylor

Toad Skin? Fernando del Paso’s News From the Empire Toad Skin? Fernando del Paso’s News From the Empire

News From the Empire hacks out a sinuous, branching path that connects fantasy with fact and allegory with analysis.

May 20, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Lorna Scott Fox

Puttin’ on the Glitz: José Manuel Prieto’s Rex Puttin’ on the Glitz: José Manuel Prieto’s Rex

Set in the glossiest of sanctuaries, Rex is a complicated and dazzling indictment of contemporary fiction.

May 20, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Natasha Wimmer
