Americans Are Drowning in Student-Loan Debt. The US Should Forgive All of It. Americans Are Drowning in Student-Loan Debt. The US Should Forgive All of It.
No young person should be condemned to debt for pursuing the higher education or technical training that virtually everyone agrees is vital to this nation’s future.
Jun 19, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

In One of the Richest Countries in the World, Extreme Poverty Is on the Rise In One of the Richest Countries in the World, Extreme Poverty Is on the Rise
A new book shows the impact of the financial crisis on everyday lives.
Jun 18, 2018 / Beverly Gologorsky

Make Sure Everyone You Know Is Talking About Puerto Rico Make Sure Everyone You Know Is Talking About Puerto Rico
You can also demand justice for a trans woman who died in ICE custody and ask your representative in the House to vote to save net neutrality.
Jun 5, 2018 / NationAction

How Greece’s Busiest Port Reveals the Perils of Privatization How Greece’s Busiest Port Reveals the Perils of Privatization
Dockworkers say the same “harsh neoliberal experiment” that reduced their wages will spread to the rest of Europe.
Jun 1, 2018 / Alexander Saeedy

Trump’s Brutal Policies Target the Most Vulnerable Americans Trump’s Brutal Policies Target the Most Vulnerable Americans
The administration is using the pretense of fiscal responsibility to slash programs for the poor and people of color.
May 15, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Can Yanis Varoufakis Save Europe? Can Yanis Varoufakis Save Europe?
At a moment when many on the right and left have abandoned the European project, Greece’s former finance minister has other plans for the continent.
May 3, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

There Is an Alternative to Brutal Austerity in Puerto Rico There Is an Alternative to Brutal Austerity in Puerto Rico
Bernie Sanders has proposed a Marshall Plan for the islands, instead of an inhumane and antidemocratic oversight board.
May 1, 2018 / John Nichols

At the Fed, the Scene Is Being Set for Financial Disaster At the Fed, the Scene Is Being Set for Financial Disaster
A crash could prove to be Donald Trump’s worst legacy.
Apr 26, 2018 / Nomi Prins

Paul Ryan’s Cruel Vision—and the Red-State Rebellion Against It Paul Ryan’s Cruel Vision—and the Red-State Rebellion Against It
His plutocratic policies have provoked a growing backlash, in the form of teacher strikes and demonstrations from West Virginia and Kentucky to Oklahoma and Arizona.
Apr 18, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Teachers Are Leading the Working-Class Insurgency Teachers Are Leading the Working-Class Insurgency
And it’s not the first time.
Apr 17, 2018 / Steve Fraser