Financial Crisis

A supermarket in Buenos Aires shows the extreme rise in prices due to inflation on December 15, 2023.

Argentina’s New President Swaps the Chain Saw for the Blender Argentina’s New President Swaps the Chain Saw for the Blender

As Javier Milei’s new free-market economic measures start to roll out, devaluation has already started to impact everyone in Argentina—especially the middle classes and the poor.

Dec 20, 2023 / Pablo Calvi

It's a Wonderful Life still, banking, bankers

In Defense of the 30-Year Mortgage In Defense of the 30-Year Mortgage

A recent New York Times column argued that the long term fixed-rate loan popular with US homebuyers is unfair to banks. In fact the arrangement—a fruit of the New Deal—is somethin...

Nov 23, 2023 / James K. Galbraith

Javier Milei lifts a chain saw next to Buenos Aires province governor candidate Carolina Píparo during a rally on September 25, 2023 in San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Argentina’s Chainsaw Massacre Election Argentina’s Chainsaw Massacre Election

A far-right libertarian and dictatorship apologist is about to become the nation’s next president. It’s a victory that the United States helped enable.

Nov 21, 2023 / Jacob Sugarman

Worker holds a UAW picket sign

The UAW’s “Stand Up Strike” Strategy Led to a Huge Win—and Not Just for Autoworkers The UAW’s “Stand Up Strike” Strategy Led to a Huge Win—and Not Just for Autoworkers

The question now is whether that victory provides a launchpad for rebuilding worker power in the auto industry and beyond. Or is just a blip in labor’s steady generational decline...

Nov 3, 2023 / Jonathan Rosenblum

Lawmaker and presidential candidate for La Libertad Avanza Javier Milei speaks during a press conference in Buenos Aires on October 11, 2023, ahead of Argentina’s presidential elections.

Argentina’s Son-of-Sam Presidential Election Argentina’s Son-of-Sam Presidential Election

The front-runner in Sunday’s election wants to create a free-market dystopia where even human organs are for sale. Oh—and he believes he can communicate with his dead dog.

Oct 20, 2023 / Jacob Sugarman

America’s Healthcare System Is a Failure

America’s Healthcare System Is a Failure America’s Healthcare System Is a Failure

Despite spending more per capita on health care than any other wealthy country, the US struggles to match other nations’ life expectancy and health outcomes.

Oct 9, 2023 / OppArt / Kirk Maynard

We Are Witness to Our Self-Destruction

We Are Witness to Our Self-Destruction We Are Witness to Our Self-Destruction

Fossil fuels, profits of doom.

Oct 6, 2023 / OppArt / Peter Kuper

National Hispanic-Latinx Heritage Month

National Hispanic-Latinx Heritage Month National Hispanic-Latinx Heritage Month

Latinos contributed a record-breaking $3.2 trillion to the US economy in 2021 (equivalent to the fifth-largest economy in the world), according to a new study by UCLA researchers.

Oct 4, 2023 / OppArt / Andrea Arroyo

Senator Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney's Lonely Exit Mitt Romney's Lonely Exit

The former GOP presidential nominee is now a pariah in his own party.

Sep 15, 2023 / Jeet Heer

US President Joe Biden

Biden Complacency Is Just As Bad as Biden Panic Biden Complacency Is Just As Bad as Biden Panic

Don't wet your bed. Organize!

Sep 11, 2023 / Jeet Heer
