Financial Crisis

To Grexit or Not to Grexit

To Grexit or Not to Grexit To Grexit or Not to Grexit

Amid accusations of “capitulation” and “left extremism,” panelists at the Democracy Rising conference heatedly debated what it would mean for Greece to stay in—or leave—the eurozon...

Jul 30, 2015 / Lisa Duggan

For Many Americans, the Great Recession Never Ended. Is the Fed About to Make It Worse?

For Many Americans, the Great Recession Never Ended. Is the Fed About to Make It Worse? For Many Americans, the Great Recession Never Ended. Is the Fed About to Make It Worse?

Why it’s a mistake for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates this year.

Jul 28, 2015 / Connie M. Razza

Lloyd Blankfein

Is Goldman Sachs Partly to Blame for Greece’s Debt Crisis? Is Goldman Sachs Partly to Blame for Greece’s Debt Crisis?

The bank should be held morally accountable for its risky deal-making, says Reich. Nonsense, says Cohan—that's “populist demagoguery.”

Jul 23, 2015 / William D. Cohan and Robert B. Reich

Capitol One Bank

Dodd-Frank Needs 3 Big Things to Be Finished Dodd-Frank Needs 3 Big Things to Be Finished

The financial reforms of 2010 did some real good, but the law hasn’t been fully implemented yet.

Jul 21, 2015 / George Zornick

Greece flag and statue

Should Greece Leave the Euro? Should Greece Leave the Euro?

Economists disagree on whether it’s the best of what are now only bad options. But they do agree on one thing: The latest bailout plan will only lead to more suffering.

Jul 20, 2015 / Asha Thanki

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren Just Issued a Major Challenge to All Presidential Contenders Elizabeth Warren Just Issued a Major Challenge to All Presidential Contenders

Warren urges the candidates (read: Hillary Clinton) to push for legislation that would curb Wall Street’s influence in politics.

Jul 17, 2015 / George Zornick

Austerity Has Been Discredited. So Why Won’t It Die?

Austerity Has Been Discredited. So Why Won’t It Die? Austerity Has Been Discredited. So Why Won’t It Die?

Greece has been pushed to the brink not to help its economy, but to show who’s in charge.

Jul 16, 2015 / Sarah Leonard

Goldman Sachs

How Goldman Sachs Profited From the Greek Debt Crisis How Goldman Sachs Profited From the Greek Debt Crisis

The investment bank made millions by helping to hide the true extent of the debt, and in the process almost doubled it.

Jul 16, 2015 / Robert B. Reich

Hillary Clinton speech

Progressives Aim to Push Hillary on Wall Street Reform Progressives Aim to Push Hillary on Wall Street Reform

Clinton pleased activists with her speech earlier this week, but won’t be backing one key reform.

Jul 15, 2015 / George Zornick

Corinthian Colleges

Why Is It So Hard for Corinthian Students to Get Their Promised Debt Relief? Why Is It So Hard for Corinthian Students to Get Their Promised Debt Relief?

Many former students of the disgraced diploma mill remain in a financial straitjacket, lacking the resources and legal savvy to navigate an opaque relief process.

Jul 15, 2015 / Michelle Chen
