A Deal in Afghanistan A Deal in Afghanistan
If July 2011 means anything at all, it means that President Obama has to pursue a political settlement single-mindedly. It won't be pretty, but the end result will be a power-shari...
Jun 25, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
McChrystal, Afghanistan Policy and… McChrystal, Afghanistan Policy and…
Here we are again, if a general and a president are at odds—it must be a manhood-measuring contest.
Jun 24, 2010 / Laura Flanders
US Delivering F-16s to Pakistan This Weekend US Delivering F-16s to Pakistan This Weekend
The US says the planes will help Pakistan to "strike terrorists within their borders." Lockheed Martin cashes in on the deal.
Jun 24, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill
US Hikers Seized by Iranian Police in Iraqi Territory US Hikers Seized by Iranian Police in Iraqi Territory
Senior Editor Richard Kim appears CNN to explain The Nation's breaking revelation that three American hikers detained by the Iranian military almost a year ago were unlawfully ca...
Jun 24, 2010 / Press Room
US Hikers Seized by Iranian Police in Iraqi Territory US Hikers Seized by Iranian Police in Iraqi Territory
Senior Editor Richard Kim on CNN explaining The Nation's breaking revelation that three American hikers detained by the Iranian military almost a year ago were unlawfully captured ...
Jun 24, 2010 / CNN

US Hikers Were Seized in Iraq: WikiLeaks Document Corroborates Nation Report US Hikers Were Seized in Iraq: WikiLeaks Document Corroborates Nation Report
A military report released by WikiLeaks confirms: Iranian forces crossed the border to arrest the American hikers.
Jun 23, 2010 / Feature / Babak Sarfaraz
General Discharge General Discharge
Firing McChrystal is not nearly as important as doing away with his counterinsurgency policies.
Jun 23, 2010 / Robert Scheer

Can Gen. McChrystal. Then, Can Afghan Policy Can Gen. McChrystal. Then, Can Afghan Policy
Now that McChrystal has fragged himself, President Obama has a chance to get Afghanistan policy right. In 2009, after two reviews, he blew it—twice. Will he squander the oppo...
Jun 23, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Gates on McChrystal: Just an ‘Oops’ Gates on McChrystal: Just an ‘Oops’
It looks like Secretary of Defense Gates is trying to save McChrystal's skin. Here's hoping that Obama isn't listening.
Jun 22, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Fire McChrystal Fire McChrystal
The insurbordinate general commanding the war in Afghanistan goes off the reservation—way, way off the reservation—in an interview with Rolling Stone.
Jun 22, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss