Unanswered Questions Linger Over the Salisbury Poisoning Unanswered Questions Linger Over the Salisbury Poisoning
An anti-Russia smokescreen may prevent the truth of the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal from ever being known.
Mar 21, 2018 / Mary Dejevsky
Why Are US Colleges Collaborating With Saudi Arabia? Why Are US Colleges Collaborating With Saudi Arabia?
Harvard, Georgetown, Yale Law School, UNH—all have taken money from the Saudi government or businessmen allied with it.
Mar 20, 2018 / Stanley Heller
The Saudi Crown Prince Auditions for Trump as ‘Policeman of the Middle East’ The Saudi Crown Prince Auditions for Trump as ‘Policeman of the Middle East’
But with friends like this—a repressive monarch, a war criminal, and a sectarian ideologue—who needs enemies?
Mar 20, 2018 / Juan Cole
‘The New York Times’ Has a War-Coverage Problem ‘The New York Times’ Has a War-Coverage Problem
Why doesn’t the newspaper connect the dots in the “Global War on Terror”?
Mar 20, 2018 / Andrew J. Bacevich
Gina Haspel’s Role in the Torture Era Demands Attention Gina Haspel’s Role in the Torture Era Demands Attention
Democrats need to insist on the fundamental principle that a torturer is unfit to serve in government in any capacity.
Mar 20, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Untold Story of My Lai: How and Why the Official Investigation Covered Up General Westmoreland’s Responsibility The Untold Story of My Lai: How and Why the Official Investigation Covered Up General Westmoreland’s Responsibility
The Pentagon’s policy, by clear inference if not explicit directive, was to treat civilians living in Communist-controlled areas as enemy combatants.
Mar 19, 2018 / Gareth Porter
Jared Kushner’s Time at the White House May Be Coming to an End Jared Kushner’s Time at the White House May Be Coming to an End
He’s accomplished a lot in his tenure—for his own business, at least.
Mar 19, 2018 / Nomi Prins
Why Gina Haspel, the Queen of Torture, Was Able to Rise to the Top of the CIA Why Gina Haspel, the Queen of Torture, Was Able to Rise to the Top of the CIA
Obama’s decision not to pursue accountability has given Bush administration criminals golden-shield powers.
Mar 16, 2018 / Lisa Hajjar
The Pentagon Wants You to Go Shopping While the Experts Go to War The Pentagon Wants You to Go Shopping While the Experts Go to War
Americans are in the dark about the near-global warfare being waged in their name.
Mar 15, 2018 / William J. Astore
Think the War in Syria Is Winding Down? Think Again. Think the War in Syria Is Winding Down? Think Again.
The conflict, having long since fallen into the hands of foreigners, is flying along on its second wind.
Mar 15, 2018 / Feature / Charles Glass