Meet the Legal Theorists Behind the Financial Takeover of Puerto Rico Meet the Legal Theorists Behind the Financial Takeover of Puerto Rico
Two lawyers argue that the feds should impose “dictatorships for democracy” on cities and government bodies in fiscal crisis.
Oct 30, 2017 / Simon Davis-Cohen
Donald Trump, Take Your Tiny Finger off the Button Donald Trump, Take Your Tiny Finger off the Button
This administration seems increasingly willing and eager to launch a nuclear attack.
Oct 26, 2017 / Rebecca Gordon
Confronting the Legacy of the Civil War: The Forgotten Front Confronting the Legacy of the Civil War: The Forgotten Front
The conflict was fought by proxy in the West, but one thing united the warring factions: the doctrine of white supremacy and genocidal violence against Indians.
Oct 26, 2017 / George Black
Iran’s—and Russia’s—Influence Is Growing in Iraqi Kurdistan Iran’s—and Russia’s—Influence Is Growing in Iraqi Kurdistan
Baghdad’s seizure of oil-rich Kirkuk, aided by Shiite militias close to Tehran, has forced the Kurdish government to freeze its independence-referendum results.
Oct 25, 2017 / Jeremy Hodge
US Double Standards in the New Cold War US Double Standards in the New Cold War
The mainstream American political-media narrative, which powerfully influences the possibility of war or peace with Russia, is dangerously unbalanced.
Oct 25, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen
The United States and North Korea Are Edging Into Increasingly Dangerous Territory The United States and North Korea Are Edging Into Increasingly Dangerous Territory
But there is still a way to avoid war, and it begins with talks between the two sides, not escalating threats.
Oct 25, 2017 / Tim Shorrock
The Escalating Nuclear Threat Finally Has the Public’s Attention. Now What? The Escalating Nuclear Threat Finally Has the Public’s Attention. Now What?
There is no substitute for our leaders’ coming to the table and beginning a dialogue.
Oct 24, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Why Are American Soldiers Fighting and Dying in Niger? Why Are American Soldiers Fighting and Dying in Niger?
Twenty days after the combat deaths of four US soldiers, there are more questions than answers.
Oct 24, 2017 / James Carden
Ai Weiwei’s ‘Human Flow’ Eloquently Calls the West to Account for the Refugee Crisis Ai Weiwei’s ‘Human Flow’ Eloquently Calls the West to Account for the Refugee Crisis
The walls, fences, and brute force currently used to control this tide are shown to be not only barbaric but futile.
Oct 24, 2017 / Sarah Aziza
Why West Point’s Lauding of George W. Bush Is a Disgrace Why West Point’s Lauding of George W. Bush Is a Disgrace
His lies to push the Iraq War forward violate the academy’s own honor code. Why honor that?
Oct 23, 2017 / Erik Edstrom