Foreign Policy

Dilma Rousseff Rally

An International Tribunal Declares the Impeachment of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff an Illegitimate Coup An International Tribunal Declares the Impeachment of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff an Illegitimate Coup

The grounds for it are baseless, and many of the legislators pushing it are themselves under indictment for serious crimes.

Aug 26, 2016 / Azadeh Shahshahani

Oliver North's Hearing

The First E-mail Scandal, Long Before Hillary Clinton: Iran/Contra The First E-mail Scandal, Long Before Hillary Clinton: Iran/Contra

She’s not the first powerbroker to get into trouble for mishandling e-mails. Reagan aides Oliver North and John Poindexter were convicted of destroying public records.

Aug 25, 2016 / Greg Grandin

David Koch

Who’s Scamming Veterans Now? Why, It’s the Koch Brothers, of Course! Who’s Scamming Veterans Now? Why, It’s the Koch Brothers, of Course!

Who else would use American war casualties as an opportunity for profit?

Aug 25, 2016 / Ann Jones


France Has a Strange Concept of Feminism—and Secularism France Has a Strange Concept of Feminism—and Secularism

Local bans on “burkinis” aren’t only wrong—they’re counterproductive.

Aug 25, 2016 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Putin 2016

More Alarming News From the Fronts of the New Cold War More Alarming News From the Fronts of the New Cold War

Finland may become yet another front, the war party may have defeated Obama on Syria policy, and dangerous desperation in Kiev.

Aug 24, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Civilans look at rubble from Saudi airstrike

Why Is the United States Abetting Saudi War Crimes in Yemen? Why Is the United States Abetting Saudi War Crimes in Yemen?

The Obama administration’s record-setting arms deals with Riyadh have strengthened extremists and led to greater regional instability.

Aug 23, 2016 / Mohamad Bazzi


There’s a Bigger Problem at the Border Than Trump’s Proposed Wall There’s a Bigger Problem at the Border Than Trump’s Proposed Wall

We live in fear of Trump’s plan for the Mexican border—not realizing that much of it already exists.

Aug 23, 2016 / Todd Miller

Obama in the Situation Room

How Obama Helped Lay the Groundwork for Trump’s Thuggery How Obama Helped Lay the Groundwork for Trump’s Thuggery

His refusal to prosecute torturers and his Wild West assassination of bin Laden show how moral complacency can all too easily degenerate into full-blown corruption.

Aug 23, 2016 / Rochelle Gurstein

Donald Trump flag

Should We Trust the Republicans Who Published a Letter Denouncing Trump? Should We Trust the Republicans Who Published a Letter Denouncing Trump?

They may be the enemies of our enemy. But they’re also war criminals.

Aug 22, 2016 / Rebecca Gordon

Cold-War Casualties From Ukraine and Syria to the New York Times’s ‘Standards’

Cold-War Casualties From Ukraine and Syria to the New York Times’s ‘Standards’ Cold-War Casualties From Ukraine and Syria to the New York Times’s ‘Standards’

Factional politics may have killed Obama’s proposed détente with Russia and the Minsk peace process in Ukraine, while the Times publishes another gutter article—this one about Paul...

Aug 17, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen
