One Year After the Fall of Mosul, Is Iraq Winning the War Against ISIS? One Year After the Fall of Mosul, Is Iraq Winning the War Against ISIS?
While the US and Iraqi response is in disarray, the Islamic State is containable.
Jun 11, 2015 / Juan Cole

Pakistan’s Neocolonial War Pakistan’s Neocolonial War
The Pashtuns of the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan are trapped between a brutal Taliban insurgency and a Pakistani government that treats them like colonial subjects.
Jun 11, 2015 / Maham Javaid

What Ten Years in Kenya Have Taught Me About the Perils of American Ignorance, ‘Aid,’ and Narcissism What Ten Years in Kenya Have Taught Me About the Perils of American Ignorance, ‘Aid,’ and Narcissism
Obama’s visit this summer will certainly be a big event, but Kenyans’ interests stretch well beyond the United States.
Jun 10, 2015 / Karen Rothmyer

Ukraine Is In Crisis. Here’s Why the West Can’t Save It. Ukraine Is In Crisis. Here’s Why the West Can’t Save It.
A video roundtable explains why the IMF, Europe, and Western corporations don’t have the country’s best interests at heart.
Jun 9, 2015 / Alexander Reed Kelly

Trolling for America Trolling for America
Hello! I am a beautiful American swimsuit model who loves apple pie, the American flag, popular television programs—and Vladimir Putin!
Jun 9, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

What’s Wrong With Ted Cruz’s Gay Fundraisers? What’s Wrong With Ted Cruz’s Gay Fundraisers?
Two gay New York City entrepreneurs stirred anger by helping anti-gay GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz fundraise. Why'd they do it? Israel.
Jun 5, 2015 / Ali Gharib

It’s Time for the US to Support Democracy, Not Dictatorship, in Egypt It’s Time for the US to Support Democracy, Not Dictatorship, in Egypt
By supporting Sisi’s iron-fisted regime, Obama is playing into the hands of ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Jun 5, 2015 / Rula Jebreal

How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President
Critics call him timid, but the president’s foreign policy has often been too aggressive—even at the risk of our long-term national interests.
Jun 2, 2015 / Feature / Sherle R. Schwenninger

NSA Reform? No Way! Scott Walker Wants ‘Something Closer to the Patriot Act’ NSA Reform? No Way! Scott Walker Wants ‘Something Closer to the Patriot Act’
The Wisconsin governor positions himself as the exact opposite of Rand Paul—and privacy advocates in both parties.
Jun 1, 2015 / John Nichols

Ukraine’s ‘Full-Fledged Economic Meltdown’ Ukraine’s ‘Full-Fledged Economic Meltdown’
Obstacles to détente in the Ukraine crisis and predictions for the country's uncertain economic future.
May 28, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen