What’s the Difference Between Cubans and Haitians? Ask Marco Rubio What’s the Difference Between Cubans and Haitians? Ask Marco Rubio
If Rubio really wanted to position himself for 2016, he could seize on the implications of his question for a broader immigration reform bill: Adjustment for All!
Jan 28, 2015 / Greg Grandin

If Elections Matter for Greece, Why Not for America? If Elections Matter for Greece, Why Not for America?
Voting should have the power to begin the world over again.
Jan 28, 2015 / John Nichols

After Abdullah: Can Saudi Arabia Reform Before It Is Too Late? After Abdullah: Can Saudi Arabia Reform Before It Is Too Late?
The new Saudi king faces a legacy of unrelieved authoritarianism, corruption, and regional, class and sectarian discontents, the result of the tepid and incomplete reforms of his p...
Jan 27, 2015 / Juan Cole

Bibi Netanyahu Has Set a New Record for Chutzpah Bibi Netanyahu Has Set a New Record for Chutzpah
With his latest crass interference in US politics, he may have dug a deep hole for himself—and for America’s Israel lobby.
Jan 23, 2015 / M.J. Rosenberg

Haiti’s Political Earthquake Haiti’s Political Earthquake
Five years after the devastating earthquake, has Haiti fallen into de facto dictatorship?
Jan 22, 2015 / Nathalie Baptiste and Foreign Policy In Focus

Ukraine Is in a Fog of War Ukraine Is in a Fog of War
Stephen Cohen on continued conflict in Ukraine.
Jan 22, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

Why the 2016 Election Won’t Change Washington’s Warmongering Why the 2016 Election Won’t Change Washington’s Warmongering
No matter who wins the presidency, we can count on the re-election of two words: “more war.”
Jan 22, 2015 / Tom Engelhardt

The Best Foreign Policy News From SOTU? No Iran Sanctions The Best Foreign Policy News From SOTU? No Iran Sanctions
President Obama’s speech was a mixed bag for progressives on foreign policy.
Jan 21, 2015 / Ali Gharib

US Special Operations Forces Are in More Countries Than You Can Imagine US Special Operations Forces Are in More Countries Than You Can Imagine
What do you know about the special forces carrying out a secret war in more than half the nations on the planet?
Jan 20, 2015 / Nick Turse

What ‘The Interview’ Gets Right—and Wrong—About US Policy Toward North Korea What ‘The Interview’ Gets Right—and Wrong—About US Policy Toward North Korea
The film perpetuates America’s myth of itself as the guardian of global peace. But in reality, it’s the United States that has too hastily escalated sanctions.
Jan 16, 2015 / Suki Kim