Foreign Policy

Why Are 50,000 South Sudanese Children on the Brink of Death?

Why Are 50,000 South Sudanese Children on the Brink of Death? Why Are 50,000 South Sudanese Children on the Brink of Death?

A man-made famine in South Sudan is brutal evidence of the limits of American nation-building in Africa.

Aug 7, 2014 / Nick Turse

How the US and Russian Media Are Covering the Ukrainian Crisis

How the US and Russian Media Are Covering the Ukrainian Crisis How the US and Russian Media Are Covering the Ukrainian Crisis

What’s missing from the coverage and why it matters.

Aug 6, 2014 / Gilbert Doctorow

Circular Debate: Special Israel/Palestine Edition

Circular Debate: Special Israel/Palestine Edition Circular Debate: Special Israel/Palestine Edition

Debates about Israel’s war in Gaza tend to follow a predictable pattern.

Aug 5, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow

Does Donetsk Have a Future in the New Ukraine?

Does Donetsk Have a Future in the New Ukraine? Does Donetsk Have a Future in the New Ukraine?

Can a region betrayed once by the USSR and again by Ukraine find stability in autonomy?

Aug 1, 2014 / Lewis Siegelbaum

The New Cold War Is Obama’s Rendezvous With Destiny

The New Cold War Is Obama’s Rendezvous With Destiny The New Cold War Is Obama’s Rendezvous With Destiny

The New Cold War has arrived, and the Washington hawks are unprepared. 

Jul 30, 2014 / Stephen F. Cohen

Why It Matters That Norman Finkelstein Just Got Arrested Outside the Israeli Consulate

Why It Matters That Norman Finkelstein Just Got Arrested Outside the Israeli Consulate Why It Matters That Norman Finkelstein Just Got Arrested Outside the Israeli Consulate

Passionate American opposition to Israeli policy has rarely been more important.

Jul 29, 2014 / Michelle Goldberg

Did Hillary Clinton Just Join the Neocons on Iran Policy?

Did Hillary Clinton Just Join the Neocons on Iran Policy? Did Hillary Clinton Just Join the Neocons on Iran Policy?

She tells CNN that she might favor “no enrichment for Iran” nuclear program.

Jul 28, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Why the Hawks Are Winning the Iran Debate

Why the Hawks Are Winning the Iran Debate Why the Hawks Are Winning the Iran Debate

People associated with groups taking a hard line on Iran sanctions accounted for twenty-two of the thirty-six testimonies solicited by House and Senate committees.

Jul 24, 2014 / Eli Clifton

The Downing of Flight 17 Should Trigger Talks, Not More Violence

The Downing of Flight 17 Should Trigger Talks, Not More Violence The Downing of Flight 17 Should Trigger Talks, Not More Violence

The deaths of the MH17 civilians ought to be the occasion for a cease-fire and a renewal of talks.

Jul 22, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

How Should Obama Deal With a World Engulfed in War?

How Should Obama Deal With a World Engulfed in War? How Should Obama Deal With a World Engulfed in War?

It isn't just a coincidence that the entire world seems to be at war at once. President Obama needs an army—of diplomats. 

Jul 21, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss
