Foreign Policy

Washington Snubs Bolivia on Drug Policy Reform, Again

Washington Snubs Bolivia on Drug Policy Reform, Again Washington Snubs Bolivia on Drug Policy Reform, Again

Bolivia has found a way to cut coca production without sacrificing the leaf's cultural importance or cracking down on small growers. But Washington's not having it.

Sep 22, 2014 / Zoe Pearson, Thomas Grisaffi, and Foreign Policy In Focus

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Why Has Obama Caved to the ‘War Party’? Why Has Obama Caved to the ‘War Party’?

Obama has succumbed to the “War Party” on both sides of the aisle, and should revert back to his “don’t do stupid stuff” policy.

Sep 22, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

How Quick US Leaders Are to Forget Our Mistakes in Eastern Europe

How Quick US Leaders Are to Forget Our Mistakes in Eastern Europe How Quick US Leaders Are to Forget Our Mistakes in Eastern Europe

Despite the pretentions of our governing and pundit classes, America has neither the right nor the resources to act as a kind of tutor to burgeoning democracies.

Sep 19, 2014 / James Carden

Lessons Never Learned—From Vietnam to Iraq

Lessons Never Learned—From Vietnam to Iraq Lessons Never Learned—From Vietnam to Iraq

Because our leaders didn’t listen, or listened too late, the end came in Vietnam as a total catastrophe. It’s not too late to avoid a repeat in Syria.

Sep 17, 2014 / Tom Hayden

You’ll Have to Rip Benghazi From Fox’s Cold, Dead Hands

You’ll Have to Rip Benghazi From Fox’s Cold, Dead Hands You’ll Have to Rip Benghazi From Fox’s Cold, Dead Hands

Fox News becomes a caricature of itself, again.

Sep 16, 2014 / Leslie Savan

Obama Is Open to Ground Troops in Iraq, a Top General Says

Obama Is Open to Ground Troops in Iraq, a Top General Says Obama Is Open to Ground Troops in Iraq, a Top General Says

US military officials outlined several scenarios ground troops could end up fighting in Iraq and said Obama hasn’t closed the door.

Sep 16, 2014 / George Zornick

Obama Reneges on His Foreign-Policy Promises

Obama Reneges on His Foreign-Policy Promises Obama Reneges on His Foreign-Policy Promises

The United States can’t create peace by military force. We can only add to the destruction.

Sep 16, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Hillary Clinton’s Other Campaign: Against Scottish Independence

Hillary Clinton’s Other Campaign: Against Scottish Independence Hillary Clinton’s Other Campaign: Against Scottish Independence

The former secretary of state and President Obama seem to be struggling with the whole “when in the course of human events…” thing.

Sep 16, 2014 / John Nichols

Shouldn’t We Know More About the ‘Experts’ Urging Us to War?

Shouldn’t We Know More About the ‘Experts’ Urging Us to War? Shouldn’t We Know More About the ‘Experts’ Urging Us to War?

Appearing on Democracy Now! Monday morning, Lee Fang discussed "Who's Paying the Pro-War Pundits?"—his latest for The Nation.

Sep 15, 2014 / Lee Fang and Edward Hart

Ethiopian Activists Fight US-Backed Land Seizures

Ethiopian Activists Fight US-Backed Land Seizures Ethiopian Activists Fight US-Backed Land Seizures

Backed by US development aid, the Ethiopian government is seizing land, demolishing homes and cracking down on activists in a bid to expand its capital city.

Sep 12, 2014 / Hilary Matfess and Foreign Policy In Focus
