Foreign Policy

Stephen Cohen: The Unfolding Ukrainian Political Crisis

Stephen Cohen: The Unfolding Ukrainian Political Crisis Stephen Cohen: The Unfolding Ukrainian Political Crisis

Stephen Cohen appears on the John Batchelor Show and KPFA 94.1’s Letters and Politics to discuss the escalating violence in Kiev. 

Jan 23, 2014 / Press Room

Kerry’s Hypocrisy on Syria

Kerry’s Hypocrisy on Syria Kerry’s Hypocrisy on Syria

The Syria peace conference is a good start, but there’s a long, long way to go.

Jan 22, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Surveillance and Scandal: Time-Tested Weapons for US Global Power

Surveillance and Scandal: Time-Tested Weapons for US Global Power Surveillance and Scandal: Time-Tested Weapons for US Global Power

One key goal of NSA surveillance of world leaders is not US national security but political blackmail—as it has been since 1898.

Jan 21, 2014 / Alfred McCoy

The US Keeps Iran Out of Syria Talks

The US Keeps Iran Out of Syria Talks The US Keeps Iran Out of Syria Talks

But excluding Tehran will only make the peace conference that much harder.

Jan 21, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Don’t Let Congress Sabotage Diplomacy With Iran

Don’t Let Congress Sabotage Diplomacy With Iran Don’t Let Congress Sabotage Diplomacy With Iran

The Obama administration is in the midst of negotiating a peaceful solution to Iran's nuclear program but a bill introduced by Senator Robert Menendez could destroy this histor...

Jan 17, 2014 / NationAction

NSA Reform, Then and Now

NSA Reform, Then and Now NSA Reform, Then and Now

The main difference between the Church Committee’s investigations of 1975–76 and the discussion of NSA spying now is that back then, the spooks stopped the abuses thems...

Jan 17, 2014 / Rick Perlstein

Is There a Solution in Syria?

Is There a Solution in Syria? Is There a Solution in Syria?

The United States and Russia are working on the Geneva peace conference, but it’s a long shot. Best hope: local ceasefires.

Jan 17, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Here’s What Obama Said in His NSA Speech Today

Here’s What Obama Said in His NSA Speech Today Here’s What Obama Said in His NSA Speech Today

A transcript of the president's speech on national security and intelligence reforms

Jan 17, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

As Obama Talks Surveillance, What Are NYC’s Spies Up To?

As Obama Talks Surveillance, What Are NYC’s Spies Up To? As Obama Talks Surveillance, What Are NYC’s Spies Up To?

Mayor de Blasio inherits an intelligence apparatus that has spied on Muslims, infiltrated protest groups and created a huge electronic surveillance network.

Jan 17, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy

America’s Secret War in 134 Countries

America’s Secret War in 134 Countries America’s Secret War in 134 Countries

The deployment of US Special Operations forces is a growing form of overseas power projection.

Jan 16, 2014 / Nick Turse
