Foreign Policy

Push for New Sanctions on Iran Stalls Amid Growing Resistance

Push for New Sanctions on Iran Stalls Amid Growing Resistance Push for New Sanctions on Iran Stalls Amid Growing Resistance

Democratic senators warn new economic punishments are "a march towards war."

Jan 15, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

The Zapatistas at Twenty

The Zapatistas at Twenty The Zapatistas at Twenty

There are two tests of social change movements: endurance and regeneration. After two decades, Mexico's Zapatista movement can now say it passed both.

Jan 15, 2014 / Laura Carlsen and Foreign Policy In Focus

New Sanctions on Iran Could Torpedo Negotiations

New Sanctions on Iran Could Torpedo Negotiations New Sanctions on Iran Could Torpedo Negotiations

The bill now being pushed by the neocons and AIPAC could destroy the most promising developments in a decade.

Jan 15, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

The US Continues to Stand By Bahrain

The US Continues to Stand By Bahrain The US Continues to Stand By Bahrain

Chuck Hagel's paeans to “political reform” in the Gulf must have sounded strange to political prisoners in repressive Bahrain, where he delivered his remarks.

Jan 13, 2014 / Amanda Ufheil-Somers and Foreign Policy In Focus

Ten Myths About the NSA, Debunked

Ten Myths About the NSA, Debunked Ten Myths About the NSA, Debunked

You can’t opt out.

Jan 13, 2014 / Peter Van Buren

The White House Says Pro-Sanctions Forces Want a War With Iran

The White House Says Pro-Sanctions Forces Want a War With Iran The White House Says Pro-Sanctions Forces Want a War With Iran

Official implementation of the interim accord with Iran begins next week, but Senate hawks are pushing for sanctions that would derail negotiations.

Jan 13, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Lesson of Carving Up Sudan

The Lesson of Carving Up Sudan The Lesson of Carving Up Sudan

The multiple civil wars in Sudan and South Sudan show the dangers of creating mini-states.

Jan 8, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Why Does Obama Want to Extend a War He Doesn’t Believe In?

Why Does Obama Want to Extend a War He Doesn’t Believe In? Why Does Obama Want to Extend a War He Doesn’t Believe In?

Obama wants another decade of war in Afghanistan—but a new book says he’s already lost faith in the mission. 

Jan 7, 2014 / Books & the Arts / George Zornick

Ask Mister Republican Man

Ask Mister Republican Man Ask Mister Republican Man

Some advice from your friendly neighborhood Republican: the answer is always Benghazi. 

Jan 7, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow

American Jihad 2014: The New Fundamentalists

American Jihad 2014: The New Fundamentalists American Jihad 2014: The New Fundamentalists

The modern national security state can be understood as a proselytizing warrior religion, complete with its own sacred texts, holy orders and warrior priests. 

Jan 6, 2014 / Tom Engelhardt
