Amnesty, HRW Document Civilian Deaths in Drone Attacks Amnesty, HRW Document Civilian Deaths in Drone Attacks
And The New York Times reports that terror and panic grip broad populations in targeted areas.
Oct 23, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

US, UK Are Having Trouble Finding ‘Moderates’ to Attend Syria Peace Talks US, UK Are Having Trouble Finding ‘Moderates’ to Attend Syria Peace Talks
Saudi Arabia breaks with the United States over Syria policy.
Oct 22, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Getting to ‘Good Enough’ in Afghanistan Getting to ‘Good Enough’ in Afghanistan
An Obama diplomatic offensive on Afghanistan is long overdue.
Oct 21, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

New DHS Nominee Spent Years Justifying War on Terror’s Excesses New DHS Nominee Spent Years Justifying War on Terror’s Excesses
The former Pentagon lawyer will be dealing with cybersnooping, immigration and border security.
Oct 18, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

My Visit With Edward Snowden My Visit With Edward Snowden
Although living in exile from the country he loves, Snowden is warm, centered and engaged and follows debates about surveillance with a keen legal acumen.
Oct 17, 2013 / Jesselyn Radack

Hawks Squawk, but US-Iran Talks Start Well Hawks Squawk, but US-Iran Talks Start Well
A deal is in reach, if the Obama administration has the guts to pull it off.
Oct 16, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Long Road to an Iran-US Deal The Long Road to an Iran-US Deal
Does the Obama administration have the savvy it needs?
Oct 14, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Obama Is Flailing on Egypt Obama Is Flailing on Egypt
The White House has no leverage when it comes to reshaping Egypt after the July coup d’état.
Oct 10, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

China Gains, US Loses in Asia Power Play China Gains, US Loses in Asia Power Play
Obama’s no-show at APEC underlines America’s decline in influence in East Asia.
Oct 9, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Karzai Lashes Out Over Civilian Deaths Karzai Lashes Out Over Civilian Deaths
The United States and Afghanistan may face the “zero option”: no American forces after 2014.
Oct 8, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss