Letters Letters
Korea seen clearly, the poop on the pipeline, a blast of fresh arctic air, Jared Diamond, Anthony Lewis again
Apr 30, 2013 / Our Readers and Stephen Wertheim

Stay Out of Syria! Part II Stay Out of Syria! Part II
The New York Times blows the cover off the Syrian rebel movement.
Apr 29, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Obama: Stay Out of Syria! Obama: Stay Out of Syria!
The answer is diplomacy, not war.
Apr 26, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Reluctant Fundamentalist (and the Journalist Spy) The Reluctant Fundamentalist (and the Journalist Spy)
Mira Nair's latest film includes a character who's a journalist and CIA agent. Is this responsible filmmaking?
Apr 24, 2013 / Column / Eric Alterman

Terror in Texas Terror in Texas
There ought to be a response to violence besides callous indifference and total social warfare.
Apr 24, 2013 / Richard Kim

Washington’s Response to 9/11: Torture, Disappearances, War Crimes Washington’s Response to 9/11: Torture, Disappearances, War Crimes
That’s the unanimous conclusion of a nonpartisan task force. It should teach us not to overreact to the Boston bombings.
Apr 24, 2013 / David Cole

Wanted: US-Russia Deal on Syria Wanted: US-Russia Deal on Syria
It’s a tough one, but it ought to John Kerry’s top priority.
Apr 24, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Jeremy Scahill: America’s Secret Wars Around the World Jeremy Scahill: America’s Secret Wars Around the World
Under a Democratic administration's military crusade, the US is putting out a global warrant for its own attack.
Apr 23, 2013 / Press Room

Jeremy Scahill: The Secret Story Behind Obama’s Assassination of Two Americans in Yemen Jeremy Scahill: The Secret Story Behind Obama’s Assassination of Two Americans in Yemen
Who were the al-Awlakis, and why did the US kill them?
Apr 23, 2013 / Press Room

Jeremy Scahill: Telling the Story of America’s Dirty Wars Jeremy Scahill: Telling the Story of America’s Dirty Wars
What do we know—and not know—about the US’s covert, extrajudicial ops?
Apr 23, 2013 / Press Room