Foreign Policy

America’s New Cold War With Russia

America’s New Cold War With Russia America’s New Cold War With Russia

Obama, Congress and the media continue their dangerous, one-dimensional approach.

Jan 16, 2013 / Stephen F. Cohen

Nine Years in One Day: On Haiti

Nine Years in One Day: On Haiti Nine Years in One Day: On Haiti

The tension between the personal and the political permeates new books on Haiti by Amy Wilentz and Jonathan M. Katz.

Jan 16, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Madison Smartt Bell

Melissa Harris-Perry: Who Is to Blame for Haiti’s Ongoing Crisis?

Melissa Harris-Perry: Who Is to Blame for Haiti’s Ongoing Crisis? Melissa Harris-Perry: Who Is to Blame for Haiti’s Ongoing Crisis?

NGOs and foreign governments are preventing Haitians from repairing their broken country.

Jan 14, 2013 / Melissa Harris-Perry

The Pentagon: A Global NRA

The Pentagon: A Global NRA The Pentagon: A Global NRA

The Pentagon is intent on pursuing its own global version of the Second Amendment.

Jan 14, 2013 / Tom Engelhardt

The Wrong Torture Debate

The Wrong Torture Debate The Wrong Torture Debate

Zero Dark Thirty has us arguing over whether torture works, not whether it should be banned.

Jan 11, 2013 / Peter Weiss

How About Gun Control for the Pentagon?

How About Gun Control for the Pentagon? How About Gun Control for the Pentagon?

For all the droning on about US gun violence, it would be good to hear someone drone on just a bit about US drones.

Jan 11, 2013 / Laura Flanders

How ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Brought Back the Bush Administration

How ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Brought Back the Bush Administration How ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Brought Back the Bush Administration

The film is a seven-pronged attempt to making US torture and detention policies once again palatable.

Jan 10, 2013 / Karen J. Greenberg

No Man Is an Island: Fiction, Trauma, War No Man Is an Island: Fiction, Trauma, War

How Argentine fiction about the Malvinas War conspires in a trick of perspective.

Jan 9, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Jonathan Blitzer

The Mess in Iraq

The Mess in Iraq The Mess in Iraq

Violence in Iraq is going from bad to worse, in tandem with neighboring Syria.

Jan 3, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Will ‘Dima’s Law’ Lead to a New Cold War?

Will ‘Dima’s Law’ Lead to a New Cold War? Will ‘Dima’s Law’ Lead to a New Cold War?

For Americans who understand the importance of a cooperative U.S.-Russia relationship, 2012 was a disturbing year.

Jan 3, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
