Foreign Policy

Obama’s Global Arc of Instability Obama’s Global Arc of Instability

When it comes to subjecting resource-rich, developing countries to American military power, President Obama is in the process of outdoing his predecessor.

Sep 19, 2011 / Nick Turse

President Obama’s Very Own ‘War on Terror,’ Cont’d President Obama’s Very Own ‘War on Terror,’ Cont’d

It’s spreading fast, from Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and West Africa.

Sep 19, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Obama and the Jewish Vote Obama and the Jewish Vote

 Rick Perry, Christian Zionist, fires a warning shot.

Sep 16, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Can Palestine’s Bid for UN Statehood Revive the National Movement?

Can Palestine’s Bid for UN Statehood Revive the National Movement? Can Palestine’s Bid for UN Statehood Revive the National Movement?

The PA’s bid could mark a definitive break from the failed Oslo paradigm, which has brought Palestinians neither peace nor a state.

Sep 14, 2011 / Graham Usher

Soft Sells: On Liberal Internationalism Soft Sells: On Liberal Internationalism

Why does John Ikenberry think the sorrows of liberal internationalism are temporary?

Sep 14, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Moyn

What the Future Will Remember About America’s Decline and Fall What the Future Will Remember About America’s Decline and Fall

From Pearl Harbor to 9/11, every single chapter in the history of the extension of US power has opened with the same sentence: “Innocent Americans were treacherously attacked...

Sep 13, 2011 / Mike Davis

Congress Should Mark Anniversary of the ‘War on Terror’ by Deauthorizing It

Congress Should Mark Anniversary of the ‘War on Terror’ by Deauthorizing It Congress Should Mark Anniversary of the ‘War on Terror’ by Deauthorizing It

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, the lone vote against authorizing the perpetual “war on terror,” is leading an effort to repeal it.

Sep 11, 2011 / John Nichols

The Nation Remembers 9/11

The Nation Remembers 9/11 The Nation Remembers 9/11

Ten years after September 11, 2001, we are still engaged in an unwinnable “War on Terror,” and have opened the door to a new vision of “normal”—a normal in which surveillance, dete...

Sep 9, 2011 / Francis Reynolds

A Break in the US-Iran Logjam? A Break in the US-Iran Logjam?

 Tehran raises the possibility of a deal over its nuclear program.

Sep 6, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Long Life of Profiling, Ten Years After 9/11 The Long Life of Profiling, Ten Years After 9/11

A decade ago, there was near-universal acknowledgement that profiling was unethical and ineffective. Yet the practice continues.

Sep 6, 2011 / Moustafa Bayoumi
