The Militarized Surrealism of Barack Obama The Militarized Surrealism of Barack Obama
In Obama's Afghanistan speech, signs of the Great American Unraveling.
Jun 30, 2011 / Tom Engelhardt
Talking With the Taliban Talking With the Taliban
Talks are underway, but it's important to make sure Pakistan is on board.
Jun 29, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
Delta Ndou: Zimbabweans Want Their Land Back Delta Ndou: Zimbabweans Want Their Land Back
The problem in Zimbabwe is not the president, it is the unequal distribution of land.
Jun 29, 2011 / The Nation

Empire or Republic? Empire or Republic?
The Constitution alone cannot keep the US from fighting wars it shouldn't be involved in—like the one in Libya.
Jun 29, 2011 / The Editors

The War on Civil Liberties The War on Civil Liberties
As the US scales back the war in Afghanistan, shouldn't we be scaling back the sacrifices of civil liberties we've made here at home?
Jun 29, 2011 / David Cole
The Pawbama Doctrine The Pawbama Doctrine
In broad strokes Tim Pawlenty’s foreign policy speaks to the American religious right. But up close—like at a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations—he’...
Jun 28, 2011 / Ben Adler
War Fever Subsides in Washington War Fever Subsides in Washington
Nearly ten years have passed since Washington set out to redeem the Greater Middle East. In the pursuit of its saving mission, the American messiah has pretty much worn itself out....
Jun 28, 2011 / Andrew J. Bacevich
Memo to Obama: Talk to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Memo to Obama: Talk to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
War didn't work in Libya, and too-gentle persuasion failed in Bahrain. Why would talking tough work in Syria?
Jun 28, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
Reality Check: Budget Cuts Inevitable at the Department of Defense Reality Check: Budget Cuts Inevitable at the Department of Defense
Still, some argue that the United States must maintain—or even increase—Pentagon spending.
Jun 27, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
Dan Coughlin and Kim Ives: Haiti’s Fraudulent Election Dan Coughlin and Kim Ives: Haiti’s Fraudulent Election
Recently-released WikiLeaks cables reveal that Haiti's self-appointed guardians—the US, EU and UN—supported an election in the country despite obvious evidence that it ...
Jun 24, 2011 / Democracy Now!