Foreign Policy

WikiLeaks Haiti: Embassy Warned of Earthquake Vulnerability

WikiLeaks Haiti: Embassy Warned of Earthquake Vulnerability WikiLeaks Haiti: Embassy Warned of Earthquake Vulnerability

A 2005 cable obtained by WikiLeaks predicted that the Haitian government was "unprepared to handle a natural disaster of any magnitude."

Jun 15, 2011 / Dan Coughlin

Boehner Slams Obama on War in Libya Boehner Slams Obama on War in Libya

Republicans waxing dovish as Obama nears Afghan decision.

Jun 15, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Stop the Presses! GOP Sounds Dovish in NH Debate! Stop the Presses! GOP Sounds Dovish in NH Debate!

Obama-bashing, yes. But on foreign policy it’s “bring the boys home.”

Jun 14, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Republicans Against the War: The Ranks Grow Republicans Against the War: The Ranks Grow

The GOP is getting restless on Afghanistan.

Jun 13, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

AIPAC From the Inside, Part II: Regime Change and the Spy Charges AIPAC From the Inside, Part II: Regime Change and the Spy Charges

The second installment of the Keith Weissman interview.

Jun 11, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

WikiLeaks Cables Show how US Micromanages Haiti’s Economy & Politics WikiLeaks Cables Show how US Micromanages Haiti’s Economy & Politics

US State Embassy cables released by WikiLeaks show how the US government has worked to make Haiti weak and subservient to American interests.

Jun 9, 2011 / Al Jazeera English

Libya: An Old-Fashioned Colonial Smash-and-Grab Libya: An Old-Fashioned Colonial Smash-and-Grab

There is ferocious repression across the Middle East. Why are the UN's sights trained only on Libya?

Jun 8, 2011 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Senate Report: US Afghan Aid Is Unsustainable Senate Report: US Afghan Aid Is Unsustainable

Maybe you guessed it already, but the billions we're pouring into rebuilding Afghanistan aren't working.

Jun 8, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Occupying Iraq, State Department–Style Occupying Iraq, State Department–Style

Eight disastrous years after we invaded, it is sad but altogether true that Iraq does not matter much in the end.

Jun 7, 2011 / Peter Van Buren

The ‘Reset’ of US-Russia Relations Lacks Substance The ‘Reset’ of US-Russia Relations Lacks Substance

America's vision of Russia is still tainted by the Cold War. It's time for Obama to lead the effort to turn Russia into a reliable ally.

Jun 6, 2011 / Press Room
