Greg Mitchell and Daniel Ellsberg on the WikiLeaks Document Dump Greg Mitchell and Daniel Ellsberg on the WikiLeaks Document Dump
The morning after WikiLeaks began releasing its trove of confidential US diplomatic cables, Democracy Now! hosts a round-table about the possible impact of these leaks.
Nov 29, 2010 / Democracy Now!
Official Washington Worries WikiLeaks Will Reveal Inconsistent Approach to Terror Official Washington Worries WikiLeaks Will Reveal Inconsistent Approach to Terror
The State Department is really worried about the next WikiLeaks document dump, and rightly so. It could expose how the US looks the other way when "allies" enga...
Nov 26, 2010 / John Nichols
Jeremy Scahill and Chris Hayes on Afghanistan’s Taliban Hoax Jeremy Scahill and Chris Hayes on Afghanistan’s Taliban Hoax
Jeremy Scahill on The Rachel Maddow Show following peace talk fraud revelation: "If they can't even figure out who is a real Taliban leader to meet with, what does that ...
Nov 24, 2010 / MSNBC
General Petraeus’s Guide to Scheduling a War General Petraeus’s Guide to Scheduling a War
In Afghanistan, Petraeus has proven himself a master of the incredible shrinking withdrawal date.
Nov 23, 2010 / Tom Engelhardt
Chalmers Johnson and the Patriotic Struggle Against Empire Chalmers Johnson and the Patriotic Struggle Against Empire
A true heir to the founders of a republic forged in opposition to colonialism, Chalmers Johnson gave us a modern language to explain the folly of empire.
Nov 23, 2010 / John Nichols
NATO Against Mars? Count Anne Applebaum In NATO Against Mars? Count Anne Applebaum In
Post op-ed scribbler suggests that since NATO has done so well in Afghanistan, even Russia might join NATO to fight China.
Nov 23, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
America’s Failed War of Attrition in Afghanistan America’s Failed War of Attrition in Afghanistan
The Obama administration is trying to kill its way to victory in Afghanistan. Not only is that strategy failing, it's making the Taliban stronger and Karzai weaker.
Nov 22, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill
Making Afghanistan Real Making Afghanistan Real
A Congressional proposal to establish a Veterans Trust Fund is driving home the message that the war in Afghanistan is not worth the havoc it has wreaked on thousands of troops.
Nov 22, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Time to Call It Torture Time to Call It Torture
The New York Times is finally calling it torture—when someone else has admitted to it.
Nov 18, 2010 / Laura Flanders
Taliban Leader Mullah Omar: The US and NATO Are Being Defeated in Afghanistan Taliban Leader Mullah Omar: The US and NATO Are Being Defeated in Afghanistan
In an address marking the start of the Muslim holiday, Aid-al-Adha, the reclusive Taliban leader declares, "The enemy is retreating and facing siege in all parts of the ...
Nov 15, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill