Lieberman, Graham: Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran Lieberman, Graham: Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran
Lieberman gives Obama a deadline of the end of 2010 before he has to take the military option, yes, "off the table."
Oct 4, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Surveillance, America’s Pastime Surveillance, America’s Pastime
In a relentless effort to watch and hear everything, government and law enforcement agencies today are actually casting a far broader surveillance net in the name of security than...
Oct 4, 2010 / Stephan Salisbury

Netanyahu’s Freeze Scam Netanyahu’s Freeze Scam
What did Benjamin Netanyahu mean when he said he and Mahmoud Abbas should be prepared to make "painful concessions" for the sake of peace?
Sep 30, 2010 / Henry Siegman
Afghanistan: It’s Time for a Ceasefire, and Negotiations Afghanistan: It’s Time for a Ceasefire, and Negotiations
Gilles Dorronsoro, an iconoclastic visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment, says Pakistan can deliver the Taliban to the bargaining table. It's time to try it.
Sep 24, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Despite Failing War, Obama and Petraeus Form Alliance Despite Failing War, Obama and Petraeus Form Alliance
General Petraeus, who opposes a rapid pullout of troops from Afghanistan, has worked himself into the good graces of Obama. What does this mean for the Obama adminstration's path i...
Sep 21, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Useless Sanctions on China: Robert Reich Says ‘Forget It,’ Better to Rebuild American Industry Useless Sanctions on China: Robert Reich Says ‘Forget It,’ Better to Rebuild American Industry
More and more, as the economic crisis continues and unemployment stays high, many politicians, labor officials and economists want to blame China and worse, take it out on Ch...
Sep 19, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Will Obama Slam China and Russia with Sanctions over Iran? Will Obama Slam China and Russia with Sanctions over Iran?
Reuel Gerecht and Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation of Defense for Democracies want Obama to confront China and Russia over doing business with Iran. Robert Dreyfuss argues that sanc...
Sep 17, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Neocons, AFL-CIO Both Blast China: Want Obama to Act Neocons, AFL-CIO Both Blast China: Want Obama to Act
In different ways, both the neocons and the unions are demanding that the Obama administration take strong action to punish, isolate and sanction China.
Sep 16, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
The Other Side of the New American Foundation: The Afghan ‘War of Necessity’ The Other Side of the New American Foundation: The Afghan ‘War of Necessity’
A former Cheney aide Michael Waltz blasts Obama at a New America Foundation forum, following the Foundation's recent internal disagreement over the war in Afghanistan.
Sep 15, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
The Afghanistan Study Group Challenges US Strategy, With Flawed but Useful Report The Afghanistan Study Group Challenges US Strategy, With Flawed but Useful Report
Will the "Team B"–style approach open the debate over the Afghan war, in which the establishment has largely closed ranks in support of a failing strategy?
Sep 10, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss