The F Word: Kabul, I Think We Have A Problem The F Word: Kabul, I Think We Have A Problem
Sure, we have an international mission to secure Afghanistan, but what does it say when a suicide bomber can drive 1,600 pounds of explosives into a NATO convoy?
May 19, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Holder Gambles With Terrorism Suspects’ Miranda Rights Holder Gambles With Terrorism Suspects’ Miranda Rights
Expanding the public safety exception to Miranda may not make much difference on the ground. But Holder's push suggests the Obama administration has bought Bush's framing on terror...
May 18, 2010 / Aziz Huq
Obama’s Flailing Wars: A Study in BP-Style “Pragmatism” Obama’s Flailing Wars: A Study in BP-Style “Pragmatism”
The deeper strategic incoherence that lies under the president's AfPak flip-flop.
May 17, 2010 / Tom Engelhardt
Bipartisan Mercs?: Blackwater Hires Powerful Democratic Lobbyist Bipartisan Mercs?: Blackwater Hires Powerful Democratic Lobbyist
Stuart Eizenstat was a power player in the Clinton and Carter administrations. Now he's a lobbyist for George W Bush's favorite mercenary company.
May 14, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill
The Banquo’s Ghost of Israeli Foreign Policy The Banquo’s Ghost of Israeli Foreign Policy
As Israel wages an international battle for its legitimacy, a new book details the country’s secret alliance with South Africa’s apartheid regime.
May 14, 2010 / Max Blumenthal
Obama’s ‘Hopeless’ Af-Pak Strategy Obama’s ‘Hopeless’ Af-Pak Strategy
Nation Contributing Editor Christian Parenti talks about Obama’s lack of planning when it comes to Af-Pak.
May 14, 2010 / Press Room
Obama’s ‘Hopeless’ Af-Pak Strategy Obama’s ‘Hopeless’ Af-Pak Strategy
Nation Contributing Editor Christian Parenti talks about Obama’s lack of planning when it comes to Af-Pak.
May 14, 2010 / GRITtv
Brazil, Turkey Try to Rescue Iran Diplomacy Brazil, Turkey Try to Rescue Iran Diplomacy
The United States, foolishly, is trying to undercut what might be the best hope for avoiding sanctions, confrontation and war with Iran.
May 14, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Gen. McChrystal Questioned About Secret Assassination Teams Gen. McChrystal Questioned About Secret Assassination Teams
The top commander in Afghanistan, who's spent his career in the shadow world of special ops, revealed little, but it was still fascinating.
May 13, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Pakistan’s Challenge Pakistan’s Challenge
America's Pakistan problem is getting worse, not better, on President Obama's watch.
May 13, 2010 / Mosharraf Zaidi