Bush’s Somalia Strategy Enables an Ethiopian Despot Bush’s Somalia Strategy Enables an Ethiopian Despot
Washington is all too happy to overlook the undemocratic excesses of Ethiopia's Meles Zenawi, who has pledged his support for Bush's "war on terror."
Feb 15, 2007 / Feature / Paul Wachter
Blowback in Lebanon Blowback in Lebanon
One big and underreported reason for Lebanon's slide toward civil war is blowback from Iraq. Fearing the sectarian bloodbath in Iraq and Iran's growing regional influence, Lebanese...
Jan 31, 2007 / Feature / Mohamad Bazzi
The Illogic of Empire The Illogic of Empire
Iraq is America's colonial war. Arguments for maintaining colonial rule in India are almost identical to the justifications offered for the continuing presence of US troops in Iraq...
Jan 22, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Gary Younge
Zero and Infinity Zero and Infinity
Americans have become so sedated, obsessed and afraid, we are numb to the murders committed in our name.
Jan 11, 2007 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Destabilizing the Horn Destabilizing the Horn
Undeterred by blunders in Iraq, Bush opens another battlefront in Somalia.
Jan 4, 2007 / Salim Lone
Waltzing With Warlords Waltzing With Warlords
Five years after the United States ousted the Taliban, optimism about Afghanistan's future is evaporating. Three new books shed light on what went wrong.
Dec 14, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Peter Bergen
John Bolton’s Greatest Hits John Bolton’s Greatest Hits
Exactly how much damage did John Bolton do during his tenure at the United Nations? Let us count the ways.
Dec 6, 2006 / Feature / Ian Williams
The Business of America The Business of America
The American Way of Strategy and Empire's Workshop examine the paradox of idealism and brutality in US foreign policy.
Nov 9, 2006 / Books & the Arts / George Scialabba
The Case for Engagement The Case for Engagement
If US officials stopped their saber-rattling over Iran's nuclear ambitions and began to negotiate directly, they would have an eye-opening experience.
Nov 3, 2006 / Feature / Scott Ritter
What’s Left of Reform What’s Left of Reform
As Iran and the United States trade insults and America presses for Iranians to rise up, educators, students and women's rights groups may pay the greatest cost.
Nov 2, 2006 / Feature / Negar Azimi