Foreign Policy

The Wraps Come Off Bush’s Colonialist Agenda The Wraps Come Off Bush’s Colonialist Agenda

The Bush Administration's plan to keep several hundred thousand US and British troops for years in a divided, heavily armed Muslim country will make all Americans "targets of opp...

Mar 25, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

Frost at Foggy Bottom Frost at Foggy Bottom

Is the government's foreign policy apparatus a casualty of war? The recent resignations of two career State Department officials, who left to protest George W.

Mar 20, 2003 / David Corn

Perle, Interrupted Perle, Interrupted

Famed Prince of Darkness Richard Perle is a political animal unique to Washington.

Mar 20, 2003 / Column / Eric Alterman

A Naked Bid to Redraw World Map A Naked Bid to Redraw World Map

The island bit over the weekend was a revealing farce.

Mar 18, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

A Lesson in Diplomacy A Lesson in Diplomacy

This article was originally published on March 18, 2003.

Mar 18, 2003 / Feature / Juliet Johnson

Rising Danger in Korea Rising Danger in Korea

Bruce Cumings's book Parallax Visions: Making Sense of American-East Asian Relations has recently appeared in paperback (Duke) and contains an extended analysis of the first nuclea...

Mar 6, 2003 / Bruce Cumings

Only We Who Guard The Mystery Shall Be Unhappy Only We Who Guard The Mystery Shall Be Unhappy

Scene 1.

Mar 6, 2003 / Feature / Tony Kushner

Postcard From Bloomington Postcard From Bloomington

This comfortable college town is defined as much by its eclecticism as its traditional Midwestern quintessence.

Mar 4, 2003 / Feature / Jason Vest

A Triangle of Realpolitik A Triangle of Realpolitik

Iranians would welcome Hussein's overthrow, but fear what might come later.

Feb 27, 2003 / Feature / Mansour Farhang

Listen up, US: A Tip From Those Who Walked That Road Listen up, US: A Tip From Those Who Walked That Road

The alliances on Survivor have more stability and logic than those currently held by the United States. We need a weekly two-hour special to keep us in the know.

Feb 26, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
